Anthony | Abboreno | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4149 | aabborenoFREEEICC |
Brian | Abbott | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 288-6046 | brabbottFREEEICC |
Amensisa | Abdi | Instructor Arts & Science | CCC | (563) 244-7132 | aabdiFREEEICC |
George | Ackerman | PT Instructor A & S | | | gackerman137266FREElive.EICC |
Alyssa | Acton | HSE Instructor | | | aactonFREEEICC |
Erin | Adams | Instructor | CCC | (563) 244-7143 | etadamsFREEEICC |
Audrey | Adelson | Instructor Arts & Science | CCC | | aadelsonFREEEICC |
Evangelina | Aguilar | Instructor | SCC | (563) 441-4239 | eaguilarFREEEICC |
John | Ahlers | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | jahlers9998FREElive.EICC |
Paul | Alatorre | PT Instructor A & S | | | palatorreFREElive.EICC |
Karen | Allen | Manager of CE Operations & Student Care Center | | (563) 336-3343 | ksallenFREEEICC |
Kasey | Allen | PACE Career Navigator/Advisor | SCC | (563) 441-4388 | kaallenFREEEICC |
Jack | Alloy | PT Instructor A & S | | | jalloyFREElive.EICC |
Oscar | Alvarez | Drinking Dr Course: Instr Pt | | | oalvarezFREElive.EICC |
Christina | Anderson | WBL Coordinator | MCC | (563) 288-6022 | cmandersonFREEEICC |
JoAnn | Anderson | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | janderson178244FREElive.EICC |
Lorene | Anderson | Admin Assistant I | SCC | (563) 441-4035 | landersonFREEEICC |
Melanie | Anderson | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4042 | mjandersonFREEEICC |
Megan | Andresen | PT Instructor A & S | | | mandresen30963FREElive.EICC |
Jennifer | Aplington | Special Needs Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4355 | japlingtonFREEEICC |
Jeffrey | Arant | PT Instructor A & S | UC | | jarantFREElive.EICC |
Thomas | Arends | Instructor | SCC | (563) 441-4146 | tarendsFREEEICC |
Elisha | Arguello | PT Instructor VT | | | earguelloFREElive.EICC |
David | Arterberry | Motorycle/Moped Rider Education | | | darterberryFREElive.EICC |
Laura | Asleson | Finance Associate | SCC | (563) 441-4124 | laslesonFREEEICC |
Mohsen | Assadi | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | massadiFREEEICC |
Jennifer | Austin | College and Career Transition Counselor | CCC | (563) 244-7115 | jraustinFREEEICC |
Mary | Ayres | PT Instructor | | | mayresFREElive.EICC |
Kevin | Babbitt | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4339 | kdbabbittFREEEICC |
Desirae | Bachman | PT Instructor A & S | | | dbachman31883FREElive.EICC |
Laura | Bahns | PT Instructor | MCC | | lbahnsFREElive.EICC |
Allyson | Bailey | PT Instructor VT | SCC | | abailey192775FREElive.EICC |
Ragan | Baker | Academic Advisor | SCC | (563) 441-4003 | rfbakerFREEEICC |
Mary | Bakeris-Gullion | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4163 | mbakerisFREEEICC |
Dan | Baldwin | Instructor Art's & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4323 | dbaldwinFREEEICC |
David | Banfield | Tutor Specialist | | | dbanfieldFREElive.EICC |
Steven | Barleen | Instructor Arts & Science | CCC | (563) 244-7169 | sbarleenFREEEICC |
Andrea | Barok | Motorycle/Moped Rider Education | BTC | | abarokFREElive.EICC |
Victoria | Barsema | Instructor | CCC | | vbarsemaFREEEICC |
Benjamin | Bartz | PT Instructor A & S | | | bbartz208247FREElive.EICC |
William | Barwick | Financial Aid Specialist | MCC | (563) 288-6008 | wbarwickFREEEICC |
Zahra | Basti | Advisor-Transition | SCC | (563) 441-4004 | zbastiFREEEICC |
Corey | Bates | Welding Lab Instructor | | | cbates33320FREElive.EICC |
Alexander | Batten | Associate Director of Concurrent Enrollment Students | | (563) 336-5276 | abattenFREEEICC |
Kyle | Beale-McDonald | EMT Paramedic: Asst Pt | | | kbeale134350FREElive.EICC |
Michael | Beane | Dean of Student Development | SCC | (563) 441-4016 | mbeaneFREEEICC |
Luke | Becker | PT Instructor | | | lbecker205467FREElive.EICC |
Michael | Begyn | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | mbegynFREElive.EICC |
Jill | Beinborn | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | | jbeinbornFREEEICC |
Robin | Bennett | PT Instructor A & S | | | rbennett28522FREElive.EICC |
Bret | Benson | Instructor Arts & Science | | (563) 336-5223 | bbensonFREEEICC |
Nicholas | Bergan | PT Instructor | | | nberganFREElive.EICC |
Stephen | Bergren | PT Instructor A & S | | | sbergrenFREEEICC |
Gina | Bielski | Instructor Arts & Science | CCC | (563) 244-7172 | gbielskiFREEEICC |
Evelyn | Biluk | PT Instructor A & S | | | ebilukFREElive.EICC |
Kathryn | Birkett | PT Instructor A & S | | | kabirkettFREElive.EICC |
Rebecca | Bishop | Eng. Tech Lab Instructor | MCC | | rbishop2984FREElive.EICC |
Bethany | Blankenship | PT Instructor A & S | | | bsblankenshipFREElive.EICC |
Cynthia | Blinkinsop | Instructional Designer for Faculty | UC | (563) 336-3425 | cblinkinsopFREEEICC |
Annette | Blomme | PT Instructor A & S | | | ablomme168684FREElive.EICC |
Erica | Bloomhall | Sign Lang Adjunct Instructor | | | ebloomhallFREElive.EICC |
Nialene | Boden | PT Instructor | | | nbodenFREElive.EICC |
Richard | Boehm | Maintenance/Custodian | SCC | (563) 441-4116 | rboehmiiiFREEEICC |
Treva | Boesch | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | tboeschFREElive.EICC |
Mary | Bonine | PT Instructor A & S | | | mbonineFREElive.EICC |
John | Bonte | PT Instructor A & S | | | jbonteFREEEICC |
Martha | Bonte | PT Instructor A & S | | | mbonteFREEEICC |
Katie | Bopes | Maquoketa Center Facilitator | CCC | (563) 244-7197 | kbopesFREEEICC |
Caleb | Borseth | Motorycle/Moped Rider Education | BTC | | cborsethFREElive.EICC |
Cynthia | Bottrell | PT Instructor A & S | | | cbottrellFREElive.EICC |
Brock | Boulton | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4348 | bboultonFREEEICC |
Patrick | Boyd | Drinking Dr Course: Instr Pt | UC | (563) 336-3326 | pboydFREEEICC |
John | Boyle | Substitute Instructor | | | jrboyleFREElive.EICC |
R. Samuel | Braden | ELA Instructor PT 29hr | | | rsbradenFREEEICC |
Julie | Brain | Tutor | | | jjbrainFREEEICC |
Raymond | Bramhall | Instructor | SCC | (563) 441-4248 | rbramhallFREEEICC |
Joshua | Bremner | Maintenance Supervisor/Facilities Manager | MCC | (563) 288-6015 | jbremnerFREEEICC |
Sarah | Brennan | Mental Health Counselor | SCC | (563) 441-4128 | sjbrennanFREEEICC |
Jai'aire | Brennen | Maintenance/Custodian | SCC | | jbrennenFREEEICC |
Renae | Britt | Library Technician II | MCC | (563) 288-6072 | rbrittFREEEICC |
Darren | Brooke | PT EMT-Instructor | | | dbrookeFREElive.EICC |
Casey | Brooks | District Financial Aid Assistant | SCC | (563) 441-4069 | clbrooksFREEEICC |
Anna | Brown | Instructor | CCC | (563) 244-7142 | ambrownFREEEICC |
Austin | Brown | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | abrown199832FREElive.EICC |
Martha | Brown | PT Instructor A & S | | | mbrownFREElive.EICC |
Margaret | Browne | PT Instructor A & S | | | mbrowneFREElive.EICC |
Jamie | Bruce | PT Instructor VT | MCC | | jbruce116343FREElive.EICC |
Tiffany | Bruessard | PT Instructor A & S | | | tbruessardFREEEICC |
Cynthia | Brugioni | Substitute Instructor | | | cbrugioniFREElive.EICC |
Gretchen | Brumwell | PT Instructor | | | gbrumwellFREElive.EICC |
Robert | Bryant | PT Instructor A & S | | | bbryant22885FREElive.EICC |
Dana | Buchholz | PT Instructor | | | dbuchholz89481FREElive.EICC |
Joseph | Buck | PT Instructor A & S | | | jbuckFREElive.EICC |
Sharon | Buckingham | College Customer Service Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4303 | sjbuckinghamFREEEICC |
Gary | Buckley | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4316 | gbuckleyFREEEICC |
Brandon | Bufe | Lab Assistant I | | | bbufeFREEEICC |
Kimberlee | Burmeister | Lab Assistant I - PT | | | kaburmeisterFREEEICC |
Patrick | Burr | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 288-6038 | pburrFREEEICC |
Benjamin | Burson | AVR Intern | | | bbursonFREElive.EICC |
Lisa | Caffery | PT Instructor | | | lcafferyFREElive.EICC |
Elias | Calderon | Custodian I | | | ecalderon26229FREEEICC |
Anabelia | Calderon-Flores | Career Services Student Success Specialist/HS Liaison | MCC | (563) 288-6035 | acalderon-floresFREEEICC |
Derek | Campbell | Instructor Arts & Science | CCC | (563) 244-7110 | docampbellFREEEICC |
Mary | Campbell | General Service Assistant | | | mecampbellFREEEICC |
Paige | Canarr | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4256 | pcanarrFREEEICC |
Mikayla | Cardenas | College and Career Transition Counselor | | | micardenasFREEEICC |
Heather | Carlson | Instructor Arts & Science | | (563) 244-7109 | hacarlsonFREEEICC |
Richard | Carlson | PT Instructor VT | | | rcarlsonFREElive.EICC |
Eric | Carr | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4318 | ecarrFREEEICC |
Paul | Carroll | HSE Instructor | | | pvcarrollFREEEICC |
David | Carson | PT Instructor A & S | | | djcarsonFREElive.EICC |
Warren | Carter | Computer Technology Support Specialist | MCC | (563) 288-6096 | wicarterFREEEICC |
Theresa | Carton | Associate Dean of Advising | SCC | (563) 441-4037 | tcartonFREEEICC |
Jessica | Castaneda | PT Instructor A & S | | | jcastaneda76FREElive.EICC |
Shannon | Cebuhar | Curriculum Coordinator | | (563) 336-5228 | smcebuharFREEEICC |
Patrick | Cheak | Instructor VT | | (563) 244-7165 | pcheakFREEEICC |
Edward | Ciccarone | Drinking Dr Course: Instr Pt | | | eciccaroneFREElive.EICC |
Michael | Clark | Welding Instructor | SCC | (563) 441-4364 | mjclarkFREEEICC |
Kellee | Clarke | PT Instructor A & S | | | kclarkeFREElive.EICC |
Cheryn | Clauss | CE Accounting Coordinator | UC | | cclaussFREEEICC |
Thalia | Clement | Resource Development Assistant | | (563) 244-7041 | tclementFREEEICC |
Heidi | Cochran | PT Instructor A & S | MCC | | hcochran5820FREElive.EICC |
Ryan | Cockerill | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 288-6054 | rcockerillFREEEICC |
Jennifer | Cohen | PT Instructor A & S | | | jcohenFREElive.EICC |
Kathleen | Coiner | PT Instructor A & S | | | kcoinerFREEEICC |
Joe | Cole | Academic Advisor | SCC | (563) 441-4021 | wcoleFREEEICC |
Christine | Compton | ELA Instructor | | | cmcomptonFREEEICC |
Karen | Conway | PT Instructor VT | | | kconway207302FREElive.EICC |
Courtney | Cooper | Senior Executive Assistant to President for Administration | MCC | (563) 288-6005 | ckcooperFREEEICC |
Hannah | Cooper | Lab Assistant I | MCC | (563) 288-6050 | hkcooperFREEEICC |
Rhonda | Cornmesser | PT Instructor VT | | | rcornmesserFREEEICC |
Douglas | Corteville | PT Instructor A & S | | | dcortevilleFREElive.EICC |
Haley | Coulter | Lab Assistant I - PT | MCC | | hcoulter188436FREEEICC |
Lora | Council | PT Instructor VT | | | lcouncil4910FREElive.EICC |
Shelly | Cram Rahlf | Dean of Student Support Services | MCC | (563) 288-6164 | scramrahlfFREEEICC |
Steven | Cravens | Director of TRIO | SCC | (563) 441-4070 | scravensFREEEICC |
Torial | Cribbs | Switchboard/Records Clerk | | (563) 336-3324 | tcribbsFREEEICC |
Jade | Crisp | Testing Center/Student Services Assistant | | (563) 336-5230 | jjcrispFREEEICC |
Elizabeth | Cromer | Vet Tech Hospital & Animal Coordinator | MCC | | epcromerFREEEICC |
John | Crownover | Testing Center/Student Services Assistant | SCC | (563) 441-4088 | jcrownoverFREEEICC |
Stormy | Cunningham | AVR Intern | BTC | | scunningham210795FREElive.EICC |
Kenneth | Cupples | Trade & Industry Instructor | BTC | | kcupplesFREElive.EICC |
Glennda | Currence | Instructor-Children in the Middle | | | gcurrenceFREElive.EICC |
Laura | Curry | PT Instructor VT | | | lcurry46764FREElive.EICC |
Jamie | Curtin | Administrative Assistant II | | | jcurtinFREEEICC |
Delight | Curtis | BLS iInstructor | | | dcurtis151005FREElive.EICC |
Elias | Dabeet | PT Instructor VT | | | edabeetFREElive.EICC |
John | Dabeet | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 288-6064 | jdabeetFREEEICC |
Danielle | Dagama | Asst Database Administrator | | (563) 336-5272 | drdagamaFREEEICC |
Ashley | Dailey | Gear Up Coach | HS | | amdaileyFREEEICC |
Linda | Dainty | PT Instructor A & S | | | ldaintyFREElive.EICC |
Daniel | Dankert | Manager of Academic Advising/Student Success | MCC | (563) 288-6006 | dmdankertFREEEICC |
Jessica | Darland | Registrar | SCC | (563) 441-4131 | jdarlandFREEEICC |
Patricia | Daugherty | Executive Assistant | SCC | (563) 441-4017 | pedaughertyFREEEICC |
John | Davis | PT Instructor A & S | | | jdavis1238FREElive.EICC |
Julie | Davis | PT Instructor VT | | | jdavis2224FREElive.EICC |
Nicole | Davis | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4332 | nldavisFREEEICC |
Donna | Davis-Day | Senior Executive Assistant to Vice Chancellor | | (563) 336-3332 | ddavis-dayFREEEICC |
Amy | Dawson | PT Instructor A & S | | | agdawsonFREElive.EICC |
Tia | Day | Admissions and Community Outreach Coordinator | MCC | (563) 288-6007 | tjdayFREEEICC |
Amy | De la Bruere | TRIO/Success Center Administration I | SCC | (563) 441-4074 | adelabruereFREEEICC |
Hillary | DeBlieck | PT Instructor VT | | | hdeblieckFREElive.EICC |
Joseph | DeMaria | PT Instructor VT | | | jdemariaFREElive.EICC |
Katie | DeVore | PT Instructor VT | MCC | | kmontgomery184130FREElive.EICC |
Naomi | DeWinter | VC Student Development and President MCC | MCC | (563) 288-6004 | ndewinterFREEEICC |
Sally | Deckard | PT Instructor A & S | | | sdeckardFREElive.EICC |
Katelynn | Deehring | PT Instructor A & S | | | kdeehringFREElive.EICC |
Brian | Dennis | Instructor - Psychology | | | bjdennisFREEEICC |
Lynne | Determan | Information Desk/Test Center Assistant | | | lfdetermanFREEEICC |
Timiri | Dethmann | Financial Aid Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4043 | tdethmannFREEEICC |
Ellen | Dettmer | Library Technician I | | | edettmerFREEEICC |
Dustin | Deweerdt | IVRS Coordinator | CCC | (563) 441-4391 | djdeweerdtFREEEICC |
Melissa | Diaz | Academic Advisor | SCC | | madiazFREEEICC |
Keith | Dickens | Testing Center Assistant PT | MCC | | kdickensFREEEICC |
Patrick | Dickey | PT Instructor VT | | | pdickeyFREElive.EICC |
Sharon | Dickman | HSE Instructor | | | sldickmanFREEEICC |
Julia | Dieckman | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6018 | jkdieckmanFREEEICC |
Mary | Dierksen | Custodian-Lead | | (563) 244-7036 | mdierksenFREEEICC |
Barbara | Diveley-Wiedenmann | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 336-5238 | bdiveley-wiedenmannFREEEICC |
Laura | Dixon | CNA/Nurse Aide Testing | UC | | ldixon211727FREElive.EICC |
Keiara | Doctor | Adult Education Examiner 20-29 | | | kdoctorFREEEICC |
Brian | Doerrfeld | Cross Country Coach | | | bdoerrfeldFREEEICC |
Vicki | Doner | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | vdonerFREEEICC |
Rosa | Donovan | Accounts Payable Clerk | | (563) 336-3347 | rpandersonFREEEICC |
Sarah | Dorathy | Employee Benefit Specialist | | (563) 336-3338 | sdorathyFREEEICC |
Kristen | Dose | PT Instructor A & S | | | kdoseFREEEICC |
Josh | Dougherty | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | jdougherty216747FREElive.EICC |
Daniel | Drahos | Veterinary Tech Program Veterinarian | MCC | (563) 288-6009 | ddrahosFREEEICC |
Marcus | Draves | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6021 | mwdravesFREEEICC |
Zachary | Draves | PT Instructor A & S | HS | | zdravesFREElive.EICC |
Nancy | Drucker | Financial Aid Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4045 | ndruckerFREEEICC |
Melanie | Drury | Accountant | | (563) 336-3342 | mdruryFREEEICC |
Nancy | Dugan | Assistant Director Institutional Research | | (563) 336-3352 | nduganFREEEICC |
Carl | Dumicich | PT Instructor VT | | | cdumichichFREElive.EICC |
Edward | Dunn | PT Instructor A & S | | | edunn23945FREElive.EICC |
Denise | Duran | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4143 | ddduranFREEEICC |
Jeremy | Durelle | PT Instructor A & S | CCC | | jdurelleFREElive.EICC |
Maureen | Dyer | PT Instructor A & S | | | mdyerFREElive.EICC |
Kayla | Dykeman | PT Instructor VT | | | kdykemanFREElive.EICC |
Amy | Dykstra | Administrative Assistant I | | (563) 244-7003 | adykstraFREEEICC |
Stacy | Eads | Instructional PT Cooking | UC | | seadsFREEEICC |
Crystal | Eakins | PT EMT-Instructor | | | ceakins51159FREElive.EICC |
Charlie | Easterly | Instructor-Children in the Middle | | | ceasterlyFREElive.EICC |
Blake | Eastman | Assistant Director of Information Technology Systems | SCC | | bleastmanFREEEICC |
Catherine | Eberhart | Instructor Arts & Science | CCC | (563) 244-7116 | caeberhartFREEEICC |
Megan | Edens | Welding Instructor | SCC | (563) 441-4393 | mredensFREEEICC |
Susan | Edlund | Instructor-Phlebotomy Technici | | | sedlundFREElive.EICC |
Amanda | Edwards | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | aedwards13912FREElive.EICC |
Cassie | Edwards | HSE Instructor | | | caedwardsFREEEICC |
Michael | Edwards | Lead Help Desk Specialist | | (563) 336-5260 | medwardsFREEEICC |
Jeff | Eggers | Maintenance Assistant - Part Time | | | jaeggersFREEEICC |
Lisa | Eggers | PT EMT-Instructor | | | leggersFREElive.EICC |
Leallen | Ehlers | Advanced Manufacturing Development & Training Specialist | | (563) 441-4384 | lgehlersFREEEICC |
Kathleen | Eichelberger | Instructor | | | kaeichelbergerFREEEICC |
Ann | Eisenman | Assistant to President/Foundation Director | | (563) 244-7040 | aeisenmanFREEEICC |
Andrae | Eldredge-McMillan | PT Instructor A & S | | | aeldredge-mcmillanFREElive.EICC |
David | Elizondo | Instructor-Ret/Financial | | | delizondoFREElive.EICC |
Ashley | Elliott | Library Technician I | SCC | (563) 441-4156 | aaelliottFREEEICC |
Jason | Elswick | Criminal Justice Instructor | SCC | (563) 336-5211 | jelswickFREEEICC |
Mathew | Endress | Academic Advisor/Student Support Coordinator | | (563) 244-7015 | mjendressFREEEICC |
Chad | Engler | Instructor-Children in the Middle | | | cengler52245FREElive.EICC |
Brandi | Erickson | PT Instructor VT | | | berickson191475FREElive.EICC |
Heather | Evans | Assistant Director of Admissions & Outreach | CCC | (563) 244-7007 | hlevansFREEEICC |
Susan | Ewen | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4347 | seewenFREEEICC |
Jonah | Ewers | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6019 | jewersFREEEICC |
Erica | Ewert | Assistant Director of Work-Base Learning | SCC | (563) 441-4023 | eewertFREEEICC |
Susan | Fairman | Driver Improvement: Instr Pt | UC | | sfairmanFREElive.EICC |
Joseph | Featherstone | Sign Lang Adjunct Instructor | | | jfeatherstoneFREElive.EICC |
Kimberly | Feeney | PT Instructor A & S | | | kfeeney53360FREElive.EICC |
Jody | Feller | Custodian I | | (563) 244-7037 | jfellerFREEEICC |
Daniel | Fender | District Facilities Manager | | (563) 336-3325 | dfenderFREEEICC |
Citlaly | Fernandez-Puentes | HSE Instructor | | | cfernandez-puentesFREEEICC |
Paula | Finch | PT Instructor A & S | | | pfinchFREEEICC |
Jill | Finn | PT Instructor VT | | | jfinn53805FREElive.EICC |
Jason | Fix | Associate Director of It Services | | (563) 336-5242 | jfixFREEEICC |
Kay | Fix | PT Instructor | | | kmetzgarFREElive.EICC |
Jimmie | Flores | PT Instructor A & S | | | jflores216124FREElive.EICC |
Amy | Foley | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4325 | aefoleyFREEEICC |
Randolph | Ford | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4263 | rfordFREEEICC |
Barbara | Foster | PT Instructor VT | | | bfosterFREEEICC |
Mohammadkazem | Fotouhi-Ardakani | PT Instructor A & S | CCC | | mfotouhi-ardakaniFREElive.EICC |
Janet | Foutch | Purchasing Specialist/Senoir Executive Assistant | | (563) 336-3345 | jkfoutchFREEEICC |
Joshua | Fox | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | jcfoxFREEEICC |
Corinne | Frad | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6028 | cfradFREEEICC |
Karri | Frank | Associate Dean of Adult Education | MCC | (563) 244-7683 | kjfrankFREEEICC |
Kelly | Franklin | Senior Executive Assistant to the President for Administrati | SCC | (563) 441-4167 | ksfranklinFREEEICC |
Gretchen | Freed | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4226 | gfreedFREEEICC |
Sharon | Freedman | PT Instructor A & S | | | sfreedmanFREElive.EICC |
Nichole | Friedrichsen | Director of Board, Legislative and Foundation Relations | | (563) 336-3302 | ndfriedrichsenFREEEICC |
Ann | Frost | Instructor-Children in the Middle | | | anfrostFREEEICC |
Kathryn | Fryxell | Switchboard/Receptionist | CCC | | kjfryxellFREEEICC |
Jene | Fuller | Operations Administrative Assistant I | | (563) 336-3445 | jfullerFREEEICC |
Dawn | Gangloff | PT Instructor VT | | | dgangloffFREElive.EICC |
Bhaswati | Gangopadhyay | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4349 | bgangopadhyayFREEEICC |
Maria | Garcia | Lab Assistant II | | | cgarcia56516FREElive.EICC |
Jose | Garcia-Paine | PT Instructor A & S | | | jgarcia-paineFREElive.EICC |
Aynalem | Garedew | Custodian I | | (563) 244-7031 | agaredewFREEEICC |
Tierney | Garlough-Ford | Switchboard/Receptionist | | | tgarlough-jonesFREEEICC |
Emily | Gaskill | Educ Division Combined Faculty & Observation Hours Coord | | | egaskillFREEEICC |
Elesha | Gayman | PT Instructor A & S | | | egaymanFREElive.EICC |
Katherine | Gelvin | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | kgelvinFREEEICC |
Melek | Genc Mayerle | ESL Faculty Coordinator | SCC | (563) 244-7684 | mgencmayerleFREEEICC |
Marwa | Genena | ABE/ELA Instructor | | | mgenenaFREEEICC |
Angela | Ghrist | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4327 | aghristFREEEICC |
Kimberlee | Gilbert | PT Instructor A & S | | | kgilbert143782FREElive.EICC |
Ricky | Gillespie | Motorcycle/Moped Educ Program-Asst. Dir | | | rgillespieFREElive.EICC |
Robert | Gillespie | PT Instructor VT | | | ragillespieFREEEICC |
George | Gillispie | PT Instructor VT | | | ggillispie216043FREElive.EICC |
Thomas | Gilroy | PT Instructor VT | | | tgilroyFREElive.EICC |
Judith | Gipson | PT Instructor VT | | | jgipson191476FREElive.EICC |
Curtis | Girod | Substitute Instructor | | | cgirodFREElive.EICC |
Molly | Gleason | Academic Advisor | | (563) 336-5241 | mmgleasonFREEEICC |
David | Gleiser | PT Instructor VT | | | dgleiserFREElive.EICC |
Charlott | Glowacki | Academic Advisor & Disability Resource Coordinator | | (563) 244-7012 | csglowackiFREEEICC |
Ezequiel | Gonzalez | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4213 | egonzalezFREEEICC |
Theresa | Goodman | Technical Coordinator | | (563) 336-5257 | tgoodmanFREEEICC |
Eliza | Gordon Allison | PT Instructor VT | | | egordon58584FREElive.EICC |
Richard | Gosnell | Bickelhaupt Arb Summer Help | | | rgosnellFREEEICC |
Nicolas | Gow | PT Instructor A & S | | | ngow205754FREElive.EICC |
Todd | Gravert | Trade & Industry Instructor | SCC | | togravertFREEEICC |
Addie | Gray | PT Instructor VT | | | agray217509FREElive.EICC |
Melanie | Gray | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | | mgray85526FREElive.EICC |
Carla | Green | PT Instructor A & S | | | cgreen193507FREElive.EICC |
Jenifer | Green | Senior Executive Assistant to President | | (563) 244-7022 | jlgreenFREEEICC |
Douglas | Greene | PT Instructor A & S | | | dgreeneFREElive.EICC |
Robert | Gregory | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4059 | rbgregoryFREEEICC |
Laura | Grotelueschen | PT Instructor A & S | | | lgrotelueschenFREElive.EICC |
Falloyn | Grunder | Academic Advisor | MCC | (563) 288-6049 | fgrunderFREEEICC |
Kerry | Guerdet | PT Instructor VT | | | kguerdetFREElive.EICC |
Juan | Guerrero | Custodian I | | | jaguerreroFREEEICC |
Grace | Gugelmeyer | Tutor Specialist | SCC | | ggugelmeyer203878FREElive.EICC |
Nicole | Gullion | Dean of Curriculum & Concurrent Enrollment | SCC | (563) 336-5235 | ngullionFREEEICC |
Gabrielle | Haan | Finance Associate | | (563) 244-7030 | ghaanFREEEICC |
Cathy | Hackney | Admin Assistant I | SCC | (563) 441-4221 | chackneyFREEEICC |
Lesa | Hadley | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4091 | lhadleyFREEEICC |
Carol | Haferbier | HSE/ABE Instructor | CCC | | chaferbierFREElive.EICC |
Beth | Hafner | Instructor Arts & Science | | (563) 244-7173 | bhafnerFREEEICC |
Elizabeth | Hager | PT EMT-Instructor | | | ehager7858FREElive.EICC |
Tyler | Halterman | Instructor Arts & Science | BTC | | thaltermanFREEEICC |
Shawn | Hamerlinck | Instructor Arts & Science | | (563) 244-7108 | shamerlinckFREEEICC |
David | Hamling | PT Instructor VT | | | dhamlingFREElive.EICC |
Kaitlin | Hankins | PT Instructor VT | | | khankinsFREElive.EICC |
Holly | Hansen | College and Career Transition Counselor | | (563) 244-7025 | hmhansenFREEEICC |
John | Hansen | PT Instructor A & S | | | jhansenFREElive.EICC |
William | Hansen | Dean of STEM | CCC | (563) 244-7021 | wehansenFREEEICC |
Kari | Hanson | TRIO Success Coach | SCC | (563) 441-4073 | khansonFREEEICC |
Amy | Hanzelin | Executive Director of Business Services | | (563) 336-3340 | ahanzelinFREEEICC |
Mark | Harris | PT Instructor A & S | | | mharris23901FREElive.EICC |
Sheila | Harris | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4312 | smharrisFREEEICC |
Boyd | Harrison | PT Instructor A & S | | | bharrisonFREElive.EICC |
Nicole | Harrison | Web & Digital Strategist | | (563) 336-3318 | ncharrisonFREEEICC |
Amy | Hartog | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6127 | ashartogFREEEICC |
Ashley | Hartwig | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4207 | arhartwigFREEEICC |
Kristine | Harwood | PT Instructor A & S | | | kharwoodFREEEICC |
Jennifer | Hathaway | PT Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4084 | jehathawayFREElive.EICC |
Travis | Hattery | PT Instructor A & S | MCC | | thatteryFREElive.EICC |
Lori | Haugen | Associate Dean of Nursing | SCC | (563) 441-4235 | lhaugenFREEEICC |
Jane | Haugland | Director of Financial Aid | SCC | (563) 441-4050 | jhauglandFREEEICC |
Jenna | Hawkes | PT Instructor VT | | | jhawkes206548FREElive.EICC |
Jim | Hawkes | PT EMT-Instructor | SCC | | jhawkes167179FREElive.EICC |
Jame | Hayes | PT Instructor A & S | | | jhayes63685FREElive.EICC |
Edward | Hedding | PT Instructor VT | | | eheddingFREElive.EICC |
Lysa | Hegland | Director of Operations & Resource Development | SCC | (563) 441-4062 | lheglandFREEEICC |
Kyle | Heilig | Business Analyst/Systems Support | | (563) 336-5246 | kheiligFREEEICC |
John | Heim | PT Instructor VT | | | jheim64047FREElive.EICC |
Danielle | Heller | Human Resources Generalist | UC | | djhellerFREEEICC |
Carene | Helms | Registration and Records Specialist | | (563) 244-7005 | clhelmsFREEEICC |
Jake | Hemann | Instructor VT | SCC | | jhemannFREEEICC |
Dain | Hendrickson | HSE Instructor | | | dhendricksonFREEEICC |
Rebekah | Henneman | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4257 | rhennemanFREEEICC |
Angela | Henning | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6045 | ahenningFREEEICC |
Jose | Hernandez | Soccer Coach | | | jmhernandezFREEEICC |
Amy | Herrig | Adult Admissions Coordinator | SCC | (563) 336-5258 | atherrigFREEEICC |
Kathleen | Herrig | PT Instructor A & S | UC | | kherrig72FREElive.EICC |
Harli | Herrington | Registration and Records Specialist | | | hherrington183359FREElive.EICC |
Tishly | Herrington | Associate Director Postsecondary Transition | | (563) 244-7002 | therringtonFREEEICC |
Susan | Heyde | Instructor VT | ONLN | | sheydeFREEEICC |
Tracy | Higgins | Data Entry/Records Clerk II | | (563) 336-3337 | thigginsFREEEICC |
Heidi | Hilbert | PT Instructor A & S | | | hhilbertFREEEICC |
Emmalee | Hilburn | Financial Aid Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4048 | ehilburnFREEEICC |
Blaine | Hill | Maintenance/Custodian | MCC | (563) 288-6015 | bhill1341FREEEICC |
Douglas | Hill | PT Instructor VT | | | dhill227FREElive.EICC |
Megan | Hills | Director of Strategic Initiatives and Assessment | | (563) 336-3351 | mehillsFREEEICC |
Alan | Hilton | Tutor | | | aehiltonFREEEICC |
Brian | Hilton | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4034 | bphiltonFREEEICC |
Tracy | Hmielowski | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4334 | thmielowskiFREEEICC |
Regina | Hoaglin | Operations Administrative Assistant | | (563) 336-3346 | rhoaglinFREEEICC |
Bethany | Hoft | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4159 | bhoftFREEEICC |
Cory | Holloway | Gear Up Lead Coach | HS | | cdhollowayFREEEICC |
Thea | Holmon-Ellis | Advisor-Transition | SCC | (563) 441-4013 | tholmon-ellisFREEEICC |
Karen | Holt | PT Instructor VT | | | kwebb21290FREElive.EICC |
Sharon | Hoover-Dice | PT Instructor VT | | | shoover-diceFREElive.EICC |
David | Horst | Director of Horticulture Bickelhaupt Arboretum | CCC | | dchorstFREEEICC |
Nan | Horst | Bickelhaupt Arb Summer Help | CCC | | nehorstFREEEICC |
Amber | Hotchkiss | Health Care Site Coordinator | SCC | (563) 441-4231 | ahotchkissFREEEICC |
Julie | Howar | Dean of Professional Programs | CCC | | jhowarFREEEICC |
Joseph | Howard | PT Instructor A & S | | | jhoward188908FREElive.EICC |
Beau | Huber | PT Instructor VT | | | bhuberFREElive.EICC |
Shavondra | Hubert | Campus Support Assistant | | | shubertFREEEICC |
Hans | Humbarger | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4029 | hhumbargerFREEEICC |
Suzanne | Humphrey | PT Instructor A & S | | | shumphrey28580FREElive.EICC |
Angela | Hyett | PT Instructor VT | | | ahhyettFREEEICC |
Jonathan | Ikoba | PT Instructor VT | | | jikobaFREEEICC |
Mariah | Imler | PT Instructor VT | | | mimlerFREElive.EICC |
Darrell | Inskeep | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | | dinskeepFREElive.EICC |
Carrie | Jackson | Dean of Health Programs | SCC | (563) 441-4264 | cajacksonFREEEICC |
Jan | Jacobs | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4265 | jjacobsFREEEICC |
Susan | Jacobs | Tutor Specialist | | | sjacobsFREElive.EICC |
Alan | Jahn | HSE Instructor | | | aejahnFREEEICC |
Zora | Jahn | PT Instructor VT | | | zjahnFREElive.EICC |
Kally | Jameson | PT Instructor VT | MCC | | kjameson12162FREElive.EICC |
Jon | Jarrett | HSE Instructor | | | jpjarrettFREEEICC |
Eric | Jennings | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | | ejennings70152FREElive.EICC |
Amy | Johnson | Library Technician II | | | ajohnsonFREEEICC |
Brian | Johnson | Instructor VT | | (563) 244-7159 | bajohnsonFREEEICC |
Corey | Johnson | Director of Facilities | UC | (563) 336-3487 | crjohnsonFREEEICC |
Erik | Johnson | PT Instructor A & S | MCC | | erjohnsonFREElive.EICC |
Amy | Johnson | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4253 | anjohnsonFREEEICC |
Jill | Johnson | Associate Director of Concurrent Enrollment Faculty | | (563) 336-5214 | jmjohnsonFREEEICC |
Joshua | Johnson | PT Instructor A & S | MCC | | jjohnson170515FREElive.EICC |
Kenneth | Johnson | PT Instructor A & S | | | kjohnsonFREEEICC |
Reva | Johnson | PT Instructor VT | | | rjjohnsonFREEEICC |
James | Joiner | PT Instructor A & S | | | jjoiner202644FREElive.EICC |
Andrea | Jones | PT Instructor A & S | | | ajones205564FREElive.EICC |
Dennis | Jones | Evening College Assistant | SCC | (563) 441-4242 | dkjonesFREEEICC |
Rebecca | Jones | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | SCC | | rjones212065FREEEICC |
Jennifer | Joyce | Substitute Instructor | | | jjoyceFREEEICC |
Rebecca | Kalar | Exec Assist for Operations | SCC | (563) 441-4172 | rkalarFREEEICC |
Sadie | Kaminski | HSE/ESL Instructor | | | skaminskiFREEEICC |
Jeffrey | Kaufmann | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 288-6065 | jkaufmannFREEEICC |
Katherine | Kelley | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 336-3472 | kkelleyFREEEICC |
Brian | Kelly | Vice Chancellor of Strategy, Support, and Planning/President | | (563) 244-7027 | bekellyFREEEICC |
Elizabeth | Kempnich | Instructor Program Management | | | ekempnichFREElive.EICC |
Johnna | Kerres | Associate Director of Marketing | | (563) 336-3464 | jkerresFREEEICC |
Eric | Kershner | Web Developer | | (563) 336-5231 | ekershnerFREEEICC |
Joellen | Ketelsen | PT Instructor VT | | | jketelsen74398FREElive.EICC |
Ben | Kettering | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | bketteringFREEEICC |
Joan | Kilburg | Substitute Instructor | | | jkilburg8000FREElive.EICC |
Adeline | Kilcoin | Substitute Instructor | | | akilcoin195802FREElive.EICC |
Angelique | Kimble | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | (563) 441-4065 | ankimbleFREElive.EICC |
Jeremy | King | PT Instructor VT | | | jking83400FREElive.EICC |
Kelsey | King | Admissions Officer | SCC | (563) 441-4007 | kkingFREEEICC |
Brinson | Kinzer | EHS Trainer | | | bkinzerFREElive.EICC |
Nathan | Klaus | Graphic Artist | | (563) 336-3312 | naklausFREEEICC |
Denise | Kluger | Lab Assistant I | | | dklugerFREEEICC |
Gabriel | Knight | Dean of Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4201 | gknightFREEEICC |
Joyce | Knight | CNA/Nurse Aide Testing | | | jknightFREEEICC |
Steven | Knight | Custodian I | MCC | | sdknightFREEEICC |
Christopher | Knudsen | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4211 | cmknudsenFREEEICC |
Jeremy | Koby | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4229 | jkobyFREEEICC |
Keith | Koivisto | PT EMT-Instructor | | | kkoivistoFREElive.EICC |
Kimberley | Koller | PT Instructor VT | | | kkollerFREElive.EICC |
Robin | Koranda | PT Instructor A & S | | | rkoranda27FREElive.EICC |
Jeffrey | Kosse | PT Instructor A & S | | | jkosseFREElive.EICC |
Christina | Kotouc | Executive Assistant | MCC | (563) 288-6101 | ckotoucFREEEICC |
Patricia | Kretchman | Advisor-Part Time | | | pkretchmanFREEEICC |
Shubha | Krishnamurthy | PT Instructor VT | | | skrishnamurthyFREElive.EICC |
Danielle | Krogstad | Instructor VT S165 | MCC | (563) 288-6041 | dkrogstadFREEEICC |
Adam | Kruckenberg | PT Instructor A & S | | | akruckenbergFREElive.EICC |
Adrianne | Kruse | Instructor VT | SCC | | akruseFREEEICC |
Norma | Kuehn | Financial Aid Specialist | | (563) 244-7008 | nkuehnFREEEICC |
Olivia | Kulick | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4068 | okulickFREEEICC |
Tara | La Posta | Technology Support Specialist Level II | SCC | (563) 441-4079 | tlapostaFREEEICC |
Allison | LaFevers | CNA/Nurse Aide Testing | SCC | | alafeversFREEEICC |
Nikole | Lacher | Substitute Instructor | | | nlacherFREElive.EICC |
Michelle | Lacouture | PT Instructor VT | SCC | | mlacoutureFREEEICC |
Jill | Lafrenz | PT Instructor A & S | | | jlafrenzFREElive.EICC |
Amy | Lambert | ELA Instructor | | | aalambertFREEEICC |
Susan | Lammers | Instructor VT | BTC | (563) 441-4362 | slammersFREEEICC |
Jacob | Lancaster | PT Instructor A & S | | | jlancasterFREElive.EICC |
Gail | Lanfier | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4071 | glanfierFREEEICC |
Brandon | Lange | Assistant Dean Online Arts & Sciences | | (563) 336-3426 | blangeFREEEICC |
Angela | Larson | PT Instructor VT | SCC | | alarson7721FREElive.EICC |
BilliJo | Larson | PT Instructor VT | | | brlarsonFREElive.EICC |
Katrina | Larson | Executive Assistant | | (563) 244-7004 | klarsonFREEEICC |
Keith | Larson | HSE Instructor | SCC | | kwlarsonFREEEICC |
John | Lauritsen | Maintenance/Custodian | | (563) 336-5247 | jlauritsenFREEEICC |
Ann | Lawler | President | SCC | (563) 441-4173 | alawlerFREEEICC |
Kenneth | LeClere | PT Instructor VT | | | kleclere201482FREElive.EICC |
Lynn | Leavens | Facilitator | | | lleavensFREEEICC |
Steven | Ledvina | EMT Paramedic: Asst Pt | SCC | | sledvinaFREElive.EICC |
Tan-Na | Lee | PT Instructor A & S | | | tlee189904FREElive.EICC |
Christopher | Legel | Instructor VT | | (563) 244-7033 | clegelFREEEICC |
Galen | Leonhardy | Substitute Instructor | | | gleonhardyFREElive.EICC |
Danielle | Leslie | PT Instructor A & S | | | dleslie5675FREElive.EICC |
Susan | Leuthauser | HSET Trainer | | | sleuthauserFREEEICC |
Robert | Lewis | Substitute Instructor | | | relewisFREEEICC |
Kashonda | Liddell | Senior Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor | UC | (563) 336-3414 | kliddellFREEEICC |
Jessica | Lienen | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4255 | jlienenFREEEICC |
Heather | Lillibridge | Financial Aid Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4157 | halillibridgeFREEEICC |
Megan | Linzy-Johnson | Office Coordinator | | (563) 244-7685 | mlinzy-johnsonFREEEICC |
Barbara | Lipnick | PT Instructor A & S | | | blipnick82195FREElive.EICC |
Jacob | Lipnick | PT Instructor A & S | | | jlipnickFREElive.EICC |
Robert | Lipnick | PT Instructor A & S | | | rlipnickFREEEICC |
Maria | Lizama Lidon | PT Instructor A & S | | | mlizamalidonFREElive.EICC |
Margaret | Lobianco | EMT Paramedic: Asst Pt | | | mlobiancoFREElive.EICC |
Brieanne | Lonergan | PT Instructor A & S | | | bflonerganFREElive.EICC |
Lynn | Longstreth | Financial Aid Officer | MCC | (563) 288-6009 | llongstrethFREEEICC |
Ashley | Lotz | Accounts Payable Clerk | UC | | alotzFREEEICC |
Amy | Loving | Nahant Marsh Ecology Education Assistant | | (563) 336-3373 | alovingFREEEICC |
Shelly | Lowery | Director of Enterprise Application | UC | (563) 336-5269 | slloweryFREEEICC |
Debra | Lowman | Associate Dean of Library & Learning Resources-District Lead | SCC | (563) 441-4152 | dlowmanFREEEICC |
Claire | Ludvigsen | CNA/Nurse Aide Testing | UC | | cludvigsenFREElive.EICC |
Debra | Ludvigsen | CNA Program Manager | | (563) 336-3454 | daludvigsenFREEEICC |
Emma | Ludvigsen | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | eludvigsenFREElive.EICC |
Kasey | Lueders Jennings | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4166 | kluedersjenningsFREEEICC |
Nancy | Luikart | Assistant Dean for Library Services | MCC | (563) 288-6073 | nluikartFREEEICC |
Emmanuel | Luke | PT Instructor VT | | | eluke216044FREElive.EICC |
John | Luke | PT Instructor A & S | | | jluke10505FREElive.EICC |
Kathlyn | Luksetich | ABE/ELA Instructor | | | kluksetichFREEEICC |
Johnathon | Lynch | PT Instructor A & S | | | jlynch216269FREElive.EICC |
Stephanie | Macuga | PT Instructor VT | | | smacugaFREElive.EICC |
Patricia | Madden | College and Career Transition Counselor | SCC | | pamaddenFREEEICC |
Patsy | Mader-Sabra | PT Instructor A & S | | | pmader-sabraFREElive.EICC |
Shane | Mairet | Instructor | MCC | (563) 288-6024 | slmairetFREEEICC |
Theresa | Majchrzak | PT Instructor A & S | | | tmajchrzakFREElive.EICC |
Cynthia | Malin | HSE Instructor(CNA) Refresher | | | cmalinFREEEICC |
Nicole | Manwiller | Motorycle/Moped Rider Education | UC | | nmanwillerFREElive.EICC |
Melissa | Mapes | Human Resources Generalist | | (563) 336-3348 | msmapesFREEEICC |
Kaleb | Marshall | Substitute Instructor 52050 | | | kmarshall23055FREElive.EICC |
Amy | Martin | Academic Advisor | SCC | (563) 441-4077 | ammartinFREEEICC |
Robin | Martin | Accounts Receivable Clerk | | (563) 336-3336 | rmartinFREEEICC |
Laura | Martinez | Registration and Records Specialist | MCC | (563) 288-6117 | llmartinezFREEEICC |
Amanda | Mascari | PT Instructor VT | | | amascari217037FREElive.EICC |
Garey | Matsuyama | PT Instructor A & S | | | gmatsuyamaFREElive.EICC |
Jeanne | Matter | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4206 | jmmatterFREEEICC |
Jennifer | Matter | PT Instructor VT | | | jmatter17294FREElive.EICC |
Lori | Matthew | PT Instructor A & S | | | l.matthew.emeritusFREEEICC |
Rene | Mauck | HSE Instructor | | | rmauckFREEEICC |
Daniel | Maxwell | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4331 | dmaxwellFREEEICC |
Joshua | Mayes | PT Instructor A & S | | | jmayesFREElive.EICC |
Victor | McAvoy | Foundation Director | MCC | (563) 288-6003 | vmcavoyFREEEICC |
Joshua | McBride | Help Desk Technician | | (563) 336-3465 | jmmcbrideFREEEICC |
Catherine | McCleave | PT Instructor VT | | | cmccleaveFREElive.EICC |
Bradley | McConnell | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4369 | bemcconnellFREEEICC |
Bailey | McDevitt | Administrative Assistant I | | (563) 336-3402 | blmcdevittFREEEICC |
Joann | McGivern | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4268 | jmcgivernFREEEICC |
Lorene | McLaughlin | College and Career Transition Counselor | CCC | (563) 244-7192 | ltmclaughlinFREEEICC |
Robert | McLendon-Storm | Substitute Instructor | SCC | | rmclendon-stormFREElive.EICC |
Reese | McRae | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4238 | rmcraeFREEEICC |
Matthew | Meadows | PT Instructor VT | | | mmeadows161071FREElive.EICC |
Gayle | Meier | PT Instructor A & S | CCC | | gmeierFREElive.EICC |
Ryan | Melbard | PT Instructor A & S | | | rmelbardFREElive.EICC |
Andrea | Mendoza | PT Instructor VT | | | amendoza191137FREElive.EICC |
Sergio | Mendoza | Curriculum and Talent Mgr for Training and Construction | | (563) 336-3412 | smendozaFREEEICC |
Susan | Merschman | HSE Instructor | | | smerschmanFREEEICC |
Kathleen | Metcalf | PT Instructor A & S | | | kmetcalfFREElive.EICC |
Stephen | Meyer | PT Instructor A & S | | | smeyer15948FREElive.EICC |
Jeremy | Meyermann | Technology Support Specialist Level II | | (563) 336-5254 | jdmeyermannFREEEICC |
Trevor | Meyers | Student Engagement and Residential Life Coordinator | MCC | (563) 288-6052 | tameyersFREEEICC |
Kimberly | Miller | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4236 | kdmillerFREEEICC |
Rachel | Miller | PT Instructor A & S | | | rmiller218119FREElive.EICC |
Melissa | Millsap | Switchboard/Receptionist | CCC | | mmillsapFREEEICC |
Akshay | Mishra | HSE Instructor | | | admishraFREEEICC |
Robin | Mitchell | Registrar | MCC | (563) 288-6103 | rmitchellFREEEICC |
Bonnie | Moeller | PT Instructor A & S | | | bmoellerFREElive.EICC |
David | Mohr | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | dmohr201010FREElive.EICC |
Angie | Mojeiko | PT Instructor VT | | | amojeikoFREElive.EICC |
Mardell | Mommsen | Registrar | | (563) 244-7006 | mmommsenFREEEICC |
William | Monroe | Truck Driving Program Manager | SCC | (563) 441-4217 | wmonroeFREEEICC |
Anthony | Morales | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | | amorales234882FREElive.EICC |
Katrina | Morford | Instructor VT | | (563) 336-5226 | krmorfordFREEEICC |
Valarie | Morrow | Senior Executive Assistant to the Chancellor | | (563) 336-3304 | vemorrowFREEEICC |
Grace | Mosier | Bickelhaupt Arb Summer Help | | | gmosier202203FREElive.EICC |
Anne | Mulligan | Payroll Accountant | | (563) 336-3339 | amulliganFREEEICC |
Franco | Munoz | Student Engagement and Leadership Coordinator | SCC | (563) 441-4039 | fmunozFREEEICC |
David | Murphey | HSE Testing Supervisor | | (563) 244-7686 | dmurpheyFREEEICC |
Bryce | Murphy | Motorycle/Moped Rider Education | | | bmurphy176144FREElive.EICC |
Julianne | Murphy | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6151 | jmmurphyFREEEICC |
Bryan | Myers | Maintenance/Custodian | SCC | | bdmyersFREEEICC |
Julie | Myers | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4067 | jjmyersFREEEICC |
Jacqueline | Nash | PT Instructor VT | | | jknashFREEEICC |
Desiree | Neal | Instructor VT | MCC | (563) 288-6078 | dmnealFREEEICC |
Heather | Neavor | Customer Care Specialist | | (563) 336-3461 | hneavorFREEEICC |
Michael | Nedelcoff | PT Instructor A & S | | | mnedelcoffFREElive.EICC |
Mary | Neff | Switchboard/Receptionist 20-29 | | | mneffFREEEICC |
Craig | Nelson | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4392 | cnelsonFREEEICC |
Dawn | Neuses | Content Specialist | | (563) 441-4093 | dneusesFREEEICC |
Stephanie | Newell | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4271 | snewellFREEEICC |
Cathy | Newman | Switchboard/Receptionist | | | cnewmanFREEEICC |
Sarah | Newswander | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | | snewswanderFREElive.EICC |
Barbara | Nichol | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4259 | bnicholFREEEICC |
Joshua | Nicholas | Maintenance/Custodian | SCC | (563) 441-4116 | jrnicholasFREEEICC |
Charlene | Nicoletto | PACE Career Navigator/Advisor | | (563) 244-7185 | cnicolettoFREEEICC |
Mary Jo | Nier | H.S.E Lead Teacher | | (563) 244-7050 | mnierFREEEICC |
Kyndra | Noble | Instructor VT | | | kenobleFREEEICC |
Grant | Nollette | Motorcycle/Moped Educ Program-Asst. Dir | UC | | gnolletteFREElive.EICC |
Frank | O'Neill | PT Instructor A & S | | | foneillFREElive.EICC |
Rashandra | Oatis | Admin Assistant I | SCC | (563) 441-4363 | roatisFREEEICC |
Brooke | Oehme | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4129 | boehmeFREEEICC |
Brenda | Ohnemus | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | bohnemusFREElive.EICC |
Marilyn | Oliver | CNA/Nurse Aide Testing | | | moliver15684FREElive.EICC |
Kirstin | Oppel | Substitute Instructor | | | koppelFREElive.EICC |
Shane | Orr | PT Instructor A & S | | | sorrFREElive.EICC |
Roberta | Osmers | Instructor VT | | (563) 336-3455 | rfosmersFREEEICC |
Kathryn | Oswald | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | | koswald235185FREElive.EICC |
Cory | Otto | Instructor VT | CCC | (563) 244-7163 | cxottoFREEEICC |
Bethany | Owens | Office Coordinator | MCC | (563) 288-6161 | blowensFREEEICC |
Michael | Padilla | Automotive/Diesel Lab Assistant | SCC | (563) 441-4232 | mtpadillaFREEEICC |
Anna | Pagnucci | PT Instructor A & S | | | apagnucciFREElive.EICC |
Toby | Paone | PT Instructor A & S | | | tpaoneFREElive.EICC |
Chelease | Parks | HSE Instructor | | | cmparksFREEEICC |
Manoj | Patil | PT Instructor A & S | | | mpatilFREElive.EICC |
Phil | Paulson | PT Instructor A & S | BTC | | ppaulson188312FREElive.EICC |
Steven | Paulsrud | Eng. Tech Lab Instructor | MCC | | spaulsrudFREElive.EICC |
Nathanial | Paxston | PT EMT-Instructor | | | npaxstonFREElive.EICC |
Alexander | Pelzel | CE Part Time Instructor | | | apelzelFREElive.EICC |
Lori | Perez | Concurrent Academic Advisor | SCC | (563) 441-4057 | ljperezFREEEICC |
Tianna | Perkins | Online Program Instructor Specialist | | (563) 336-3428 | tperkinsFREEEICC |
Austen | Petersen | PT EMT-Instructor | CCC | | abpetersenFREEEICC |
Catherine | Petersen | Instructor Arts & Science | | (563) 244-7170 | cpetersenFREEEICC |
Michael | Pettitt | Career Navigator | | (563) 244-7687 | mjpettittFREEEICC |
Katherine | Pezley | HSE Instructor | MCC | | kpezleyFREEEICC |
Janet | Phillips | Admin Assistant I | | | jphillipsFREEEICC |
Kevin | Phillips | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | | ksphillipsFREEEICC |
Tim | Phillips | PT Instructor A & S | | | tphillipsFREElive.EICC |
Amanda | Phipps | Instructor VT | SCC | | akphippsFREEEICC |
Jeremy | Pickard | Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA) | UC | (563) 336-3488 | jpickardFREEEICC |
Anna | Pint | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4333 | ajpintFREEEICC |
Steve | Plowman | Maintenance/Custodian | MCC | (563) 288-6015 | splowmanFREEEICC |
Julie | Plummer | PT Instructor A & S | | | jplummerFREEEICC |
John | Pollock | PT Instructor A & S | | | jpollockFREElive.EICC |
Brandy | Poston | Advanced Manufacturing Program Manager | | (563) 441-4377 | bpostonFREEEICC |
Melvin | Prewitt | PT Instructor A & S | | | mprewittFREElive.EICC |
Rachel | Price | CE Program Manager | UC | (563) 336-3450 | rlpriceFREEEICC |
Courtney | Pritchard | Librarian | CCC | (563) 244-7106 | clpritchardFREEEICC |
Kevita | Puckett | Instructor | | | kpuckett10643FREElive.EICC |
Hilary | Puglisi | Instructional PT Cooking | | | hpuglisiFREElive.EICC |
Theresa | Putnam Genz | College and Career Transition Counselor | MCC | (563) 288-6047 | tputnamgenzFREEEICC |
Chris | Pylant | PT Instructor A & S | | | cpylantFREElive.EICC |
Jeff | Qualls | PT Instructor A & S | | | jquallsFREElive.EICC |
Sarah | Raaymakers | HSE Instructor | | | slraaymakersFREEEICC |
Rahmat | Rahmat | PT Instructor A & S | | | rrahmatFREElive.EICC |
Karen | Ramos | Campus Support Assistant | | | kramosFREEEICC |
Jessica | Ramsay | PT Instructor A & S | CCC | | jlramsayFREElive.EICC |
Jessica | Rasmussen | PT Instructor A & S | | | jrasmussen201824FREElive.EICC |
Michelle | Rasmussen | Dean of E-Learning | | (563) 336-3429 | mlrasmussenFREEEICC |
Karen | Rathje | PT Instructor VT | | | krathjeFREElive.EICC |
Tom | Rathmann | PT Instructor A & S | | | trathmannFREEEICC |
Justin | Reaves | PT Instructor VT | | | jreaves105688FREElive.EICC |
Carol | Reavy | ELA Instructor | | | creavyFREEEICC |
William | Reddick | PT Instructor A & S | MCC | | wreddick234451FREElive.EICC |
Nathan | Reichert | PT Instructor A & S | | | nreichertFREElive.EICC |
Cheryl | Reidenouer | PACE Career Navigator/Advisor | SCC | (563) 441-4028 | creidenouerFREEEICC |
Patricia | Reiser | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | preiserFREElive.EICC |
Taylor | Reth | Advanced Manufacturing Program Facilitator | SCC | (563) 441-4357 | tmrethFREEEICC |
Dusty | Rhodes | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | ddrhodesFREEEICC |
Renee | Richmond | Senior Accountant | | (563) 336-3468 | rarichmondFREEEICC |
Heather | Rickard | PT Instructor A & S | | | hrickardFREElive.EICC |
Tifany | Rickey | PT Instructor VT | | | telliottFREElive.EICC |
Marci | Rickords | PT Instructor A & S | | | mrickordsFREElive.EICC |
Tyne | Rieck | Curriculum & Talent Manager Business/IT Program | | (563) 336-3483 | tlrieckFREEEICC |
Jennifer | Riley | Substitute Instructor | | | jriley21950FREElive.EICC |
Rachel | Riley-Smock | ELA Instructor | | | rrileysmockFREElive.EICC |
Christine | Rippentrop | CNA/Nurse Aide Testing | | | crippentropFREElive.EICC |
Marie | Ripslinger-Atwater | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 288-6034 | mripslinger-atwaterFREEEICC |
Brian | Ritter | Facilitator Nahant Marsh/Ecology Education | | (563) 336-3372 | britterFREEEICC |
Greg | Robb | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | gjrobbFREElive.EICC |
Jennifer | Robb | PT Instructor A & S | | | jrobbFREEEICC |
Thomas | Robbins | Custodian I | | (563) 244-7042 | tlrobbinsFREEEICC |
Shadrack | Roberts | PT Instructor VT | SCC | | sroberts8846FREElive.EICC |
Diane | Roebuck | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4024 | droebuckFREEEICC |
Anna | Roeder | PT Instructor A & S | | | aroederFREElive.EICC |
David | Rogis | PT EMT-Instructor | | | drogisFREElive.EICC |
Blake | Rollinger | Business Solutions Consultant | BTC | | brollingerFREEEICC |
Jeffrey | Rose | Assistant Project Director of Advance Manufacturing | SCC | (563) 441-4370 | jdroseFREEEICC |
Shannon | Ross | CDL Lead Trainer | SCC | (563) 441-4358 | sarossFREEEICC |
Shari | Ruehling | Military & Veterans Student Affairs Facilitator | SCC | (563) 441-4020 | sruehlingFREEEICC |
Katy | Rush | Assistant Director of Financial Aid | SCC | (563) 441-4052 | krushFREEEICC |
Kellan | Rush | Maintenance/Custodian | SCC | | krush12FREElive.EICC |
Jessica | Rutherford | PT Instructor VT | | | jrutherford187115FREElive.EICC |
Joseph | Rymars | PT EMT-Instructor | UC | | jrymars149518FREElive.EICC |
Dianna | Saelens | Instructor | | | dsaelensFREEEICC |
Mariana | Salaverria | PT Instructor A & S | | | msalaverriaFREElive.EICC |
Ashley | Salazar | Lab Assistant I | SCC | (563) 441-4341 | alsalazarFREEEICC |
Salem | Samara | PT Instructor VT | | | ssamaraFREElive.EICC |
Shane | Samples | PT Instructor VT | | | ssamples82739FREElive.EICC |
Justin | Sampson | Associate Director of Business Services | | (563) 244-7079 | jdsampsonFREEEICC |
Enrique | Sandoval | Soccer Coach | | | esandoval110936FREElive.EICC |
Christine | Sandstrom | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4310 | csandstromFREEEICC |
Raji | Sankar | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4346 | rsankarFREEEICC |
Sharon | Savage | PT Instructor A & S | | | ssavageFREElive.EICC |
Kendra | Schaapveld | Director of Economic Development | SCC | (563) 441-4186 | kmschaapveldFREEEICC |
Brenda | Schaeffer-Hansen | PT Instructor VT | | | bschaeffer-hansenFREElive.EICC |
Alicia | Schaffter | Instructor-Phlebotomy Technici | | | aschaffterFREEEICC |
Audreya | Schar | Switchboard/Receptionist 20-29 | | | ascharFREEEICC |
Raychelle | Schar | Computer Technology Support Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4076 | rscharFREEEICC |
Kelly | Scherf | PT Instructor A & S | SCC | | kscherfFREElive.EICC |
Mollie | Schmelzer | PT Instructor A & S | | | mschmelzer188096FREElive.EICC |
Alyse | Schmidt | Disability Resource Provider | SCC | (563) 441-4027 | aaschmidtFREEEICC |
Roxanne | Schmidt | Library Technician II | | | rlschmidtFREEEICC |
Jill | Schmitt | PT Instructor A & S | | | jschmitt112084FREElive.EICC |
Brian | Schmitz | Instructor Arts & Science | | (563) 244-7138 | bkschmitzFREEEICC |
Laura | Schnack | PT Instructor A & S | | | lgiffordFREElive.EICC |
James | Schneider | Driver Improvement: Instr Pt | | | jschneiderFREElive.EICC |
Scott | Schneider | Dean of Adult Education | | (563) 244-7682 | sjschneiderFREEEICC |
Tamara | Schnepel | PT Instructor VT | | | tschnepelFREElive.EICC |
Sara | Schnepper | College and Career Transition Counselor | MCC | | sschnepperFREEEICC |
Karen | Schnoor | Evening/Weekend College Assistant | CCC | (563) 244-7181 | kschnoorFREEEICC |
Michelle | Schoenfelder | Executive Assistant | SCC | (563) 441-4208 | mschoenfelderFREEEICC |
Bradly | Schofield | Maintenance/Custodian | | (563) 336-5229 | bschofieldFREEEICC |
Anna | Schony | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4315 | aschonyFREEEICC |
Anthony | Schooley | PT EMT-Instructor | | | aschooleyFREElive.EICC |
Mary | Schreiner | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | mschreinerFREEEICC |
Dawn | Schroeder | Customer Care Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4081 | dschroederFREEEICC |
Marla | Schultz | College and Career Transition Counselor | CCC | (563) 244-7131 | mschultzFREEEICC |
Jason | Seals | PT Instructor A & S | | | jsealsFREElive.EICC |
John | Sears | Custodian I | | | jrsearsFREEEICC |
Vicki | Sears | Custodian I | | | vsearsFREEEICC |
Holly | Secker-Brosman | PT Instructor A & S | | | hseckerFREElive.EICC |
Kenneth | Sharp | PT Instructor A & S | | | ksharp26116FREElive.EICC |
Alan | Sheidler | PT Instructor A & S | | | asheidlerFREElive.EICC |
Lori | Sheppeard | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 441-4337 | lsheppeardFREEEICC |
Sabrina | Shoemaker | PACE Career Navigator/Advisor | MCC | (563) 288-6026 | sshoemakerFREEEICC |
Marion | Short | Custodian I | CCC | (563) 244-7032 | mjshortFREEEICC |
James | Shovlain | CE Instructional PT | | | jshovlain202827FREElive.EICC |
Joseph | Shovlain | Academic Advisor | CCC | (563) 244-7014 | jshovlainFREEEICC |
Sandra | Simon | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4260 | ssimonFREEEICC |
Forest | Simonin | Welding Instructor | CCC | (563) 244-7074 | fsimoninFREEEICC |
Nicole | Sims | Instructional PT Cooking | | | nsims70553FREElive.EICC |
Kate | Sink | PT Instructor VT | CCC | | kmeierFREElive.EICC |
Donivan | Sirna | Motorycle/Moped Rider Education | | | dsirnaFREElive.EICC |
Claire | Smeltzer | HSE Instructor | | | cfsmeltzerFREEEICC |
Darren | Smiley | EHS Trainer | | | dsmileyFREElive.EICC |
Carolyn | Smith | PT Instructor VT | | | csmith140009FREElive.EICC |
Marvin | Smith | Trade & Industry Instructor | SCC | | msmithFREEEICC |
Tuesdai | Smithee | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | tsmitheeFREElive.EICC |
Angela | Snell | PT Instructor VT | | | asnellFREElive.EICC |
Cheryl | Snowball | Chief Information Officer | | (563) 336-5240 | cawelschFREEEICC |
Erin | Snyder | Chief Communication Officer | | (563) 336-3310 | esnyderFREEEICC |
Kelsey | Snyder | Computer Technology Support Specialist | CCC | (563) 244-7080 | kjsnyderFREEEICC |
Andreas | Soemadi | PT Instructor A & S | CCC | | asoemadiFREElive.EICC |
David | Soliz | PT Instructor A & S | | | dsoliz21725FREElive.EICC |
Gwen | Sones | Instructor-Children in the Middle | | | gsonesFREElive.EICC |
Rachael | Souhrada | Registration and Records Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4185 | rsouhradaFREEEICC |
Taylor | Spain | PT Instructor VT | UC | | tspain216525FREElive.EICC |
Ashlee | Spannagel | VC for Workforce Dev | UC | (563) 336-3331 | aespannagelFREEEICC |
Jill | Spengler | Academic Advisor - Concurrent Enrollment | SCC | (563) 441-4137 | jmspenglerFREEEICC |
Zachary | Sperstad | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | | zsperstadFREEEICC |
Marwin | Spiller | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4267 | mspillerFREEEICC |
Kristin | Sprague | Administrative Assistant I | SCC | (563) 441-4203 | kaspragueFREEEICC |
Elizabeth | Sproston | Registration and Records Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4134 | esprostonFREEEICC |
Denis | Ssempala | TRIO Tutorial Specialist | | | dssempalaFREElive.EICC |
Austin | Stanforth | PT Instructor A & S | | | astanforthFREElive.EICC |
R | Stanley | Facilitator Culinary and Hospitality | SCC | (563) 441-4234 | dstanleyFREEEICC |
Anna | Starcevich | PT Instructor VT | | | ahaesslerFREElive.EICC |
Renee | Stauffacher | PT Instructor A & S | | | rstauffacherFREElive.EICC |
Erin | Steckel | Library Technician I | SCC | (563) 441-4153 | esteckelFREEEICC |
Sheryl | Stefan | Finance Associate | MCC | (563) 288-6149 | sstefanFREEEICC |
Clayton | Stephens | Motorcycle/Moped Educ Program-Asst. Dir | | | cstephens215956FREElive.EICC |
Taaron | Stinocher | PT Instructor A & S | MCC | | tstinocher391721FREElive.EICC |
Calandra | Stith | PT Instructor A & S | | | cstith27477FREElive.EICC |
Jenny | Stolley | PT Instructor VT | | | jstolley119634FREElive.EICC |
Eva | Stratton | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | estrattonFREElive.EICC |
Brenda | Struve | Bookstore & Content Support Services Manager | SCC | (563) 441-4113 | bstruveFREEEICC |
Attie | Stymiest | PT Instructor A & S | | | astymiestFREElive.EICC |
Laura | Swanson | Customer Care Specialist | CCC | | lswansonFREEEICC |
Brooke | Sweeney-Adrian | Director of Human Resources | UC | (563) 336-3322 | bradrianFREEEICC |
Megan | Talbert | PT Instructor VT | | | mtalbert4085FREElive.EICC |
Jamal | Tayh | PT Instructor A & S | | | jtayhFREEEICC |
Barbara | Taylor | Health-Nurse Aid:instr Pt | | | btaylorFREEEICC |
Kari | Taylor | PT Instructor A & S | | | ktaylor1984FREElive.EICC |
Dylan | Temple | Student Engagement and Leadership Manager | CCC | (563) 244-7254 | dmtempleFREEEICC |
James | Temple | Curriculum & Talent Manager for EMS/Public Safety Programs | | (563) 336-3448 | jtempleFREEEICC |
Stephen | Teney | PT Instructor A & S | | | steneyFREEEICC |
Evan | Terronez | Instructor VT | SCC | | eterronezFREEEICC |
Rachel | Tharp | PT Instructor A & S | | | rtharp192448FREElive.EICC |
Teresa | Thiede | Financial Aid Officer | | (563) 244-7009 | tthiedeFREEEICC |
Bradley | Thiessen-Cooper | Executive Assistant. of Resource Development | SCC | (563) 441-4063 | bthiessen-cooperFREEEICC |
Angela | Thomas | Academic Advisor | SCC | (563) 441-4006 | aethomasFREEEICC |
Lauren | Thomas | Financial Aid Specialist | SCC | (563) 441-4049 | lmthomasFREEEICC |
Matthew | Thomas | Graphic Artist | | (563) 336-3469 | mgthomasFREEEICC |
Richard | Thomas | HSE Instructor | | | rhthomasFREEEICC |
Beth | Thompson | CE Instructional PT | | | bthompson205424FREElive.EICC |
Jennifer | Thompson | PT Instructor VT | | | jthompson189342FREElive.EICC |
Julie | Thompson | Manager of Communication Systems | | (563) 336-3362 | jathompsonFREEEICC |
Soraya | Thorndyke | Service Desk Specialist | | (563) 336-3467 | sgthorndykeFREEEICC |
April | Tidwell | PT Instructor A & S | | | atidwellFREElive.EICC |
Kenneth | Tidwell | PT Instructor A & S | | | ktidwellFREElive.EICC |
Shawn | Timmerman | PT Instructor VT | | | stimmerman18226FREElive.EICC |
Gauri | Tiwari | HSE Instructor | | | gtiwariFREEEICC |
William | Todd | Motorcycle/Moped Educ Program-Asst. Dir | | | wtoddFREElive.EICC |
Kim | Tooman | ELA Instructor | | | ktoomanFREEEICC |
Lisa | Toppert | PT Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4228 | lrtoppertFREElive.EICC |
Wayne | Toprock | Network and Telecommunications Engineer | | (563) 336-3406 | wtoprockFREEEICC |
Lynne | Trevisan | PT Instructor A & S | | | ltrevisanFREElive.EICC |
William | Trotter | Instructor Arts & Science | MCC | (563) 288-6067 | wtrotterFREEEICC |
Shirley | Turnis | PT Instructor A & S | | (563) 244-7121 | sturnisFREElive.EICC |
Jennifer | Ullrick | Customer Care Specialist | CCC | (563) 336-5204 | jlullrickFREEEICC |
Thomas | Vaccaro | ABE/ELA Instructor | | | tvaccaroFREEEICC |
Brian | VanBlaricome | Maintenance Supervisor/Facilities Manager | SCC | (563) 441-4120 | bvanblaricomeFREEEICC |
Stephanie | VanBlaricome | Human Resources Coordinator | UC | (563) 336-3405 | svanblaricomeFREEEICC |
Alene | Vandermyde | Dean of Manufacturing & Trades | BTC | | avandermydeFREEEICC |
Lauren | Vannatta | PT Instructor A & S | | | lvannatta212343FREElive.EICC |
Rebecca | Vargas | ELA Instructor | | | rvargasFREEEICC |
Tamara | Vesselovskaia | Instructor VT | | (563) 336-5225 | tvesselovskaiaFREEEICC |
Trina | Vicary | PT Instructor VT | | | tvicaryFREElive.EICC |
Keith | Vogel | Facilities Coordinator | | (563) 244-7035 | kevogelFREEEICC |
Kaleb | Wadsworth | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4364 | kjwadsworthFREEEICC |
Cassandra | Wagner | Instructor VT | SCC | (563) 441-4033 | cewagnerFREEEICC |
Griffin | Wagner | Marketing Coordinator | | (563) 336-5237 | gewagnerFREEEICC |
Lori | Walljasper | PT Instructor VT | | | lwalljasperFREEEICC |
Henry | Ward | BLS iInstructor | | | hwardFREElive.EICC |
Sujata | Warrier | Instructor VT | | (563) 336-5207 | swarrierFREEEICC |
Verlee | Washington | PACE Career Navigator/Advisor | | (563) 336-3359 | vwashingtonFREEEICC |
Katherine | Watson | Business Solutions Consultant | MCC | (563) 288-6012 | klwatsonFREEEICC |
Robin | Webb | PT Instructor VT | | | rbwebbFREElive.EICC |
Liang Chee | Wee | Chancellor | | (563) 336-3301 | lweeFREEEICC |
Lee | Weimer | PT Instructor VT | | | lweimer200458FREElive.EICC |
Susan | Weir | PT Instructor A & S | | | sweirFREElive.EICC |
Frank | Weiser | Assistant Director of Media Services | | (563) 336-5244 | fweiserFREEEICC |
Ryan | Welch | Instructor Arts & Science | CCC | (563) 244-7133 | rwelchFREEEICC |
Allison | Welsch | PT Instructor VT | | | awelschFREElive.EICC |
Loretta | Welter | PT Instructor A & S | | | lwelterFREElive.EICC |
Robert | Wengronowitz | PT Instructor A & S | | | rwengronowitzFREElive.EICC |
Joshua | West | PT Instructor A & S | | | jwest133460FREElive.EICC |
Michael | Westbrook | Soccer Coach | | | mwestbrookFREElive.EICC |
Noah | Wheeler | PT Instructor A & S | | | nwheeler10499FREElive.EICC |
Denise | White | PT Instructor VT | | | dpeters102120FREElive.EICC |
James | Wiebler | PT Instructor A & S | | | jwieblerFREEEICC |
Lauri | Wiese | Associate Director of CE Operations | | (563) 336-3329 | llwieseFREEEICC |
Katherine | Wilcox | Trade & Industry Instructor | | | kwilcox199909FREElive.EICC |
David | Wiley | PT Instructor A & S | | | dwiley205998FREElive.EICC |
Andrea | Williams | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4250 | awilliamsFREEEICC |
Andrew | Williams | Instructor Arts & Science | SCC | (563) 441-4165 | ajwilliamsFREEEICC |
Jodee | Williams | PT Instructor A & S | | | jwilliams14130FREElive.EICC |
Nate | Wilson | PT EMT-Instructor | | | nwilson752FREElive.EICC |
Connie | Winch | Custodian I | | | cwinchFREEEICC |
Leland | Winch | Custodian I | | | lgwinchFREEEICC |
Michael | Wiseman | PT Instructor A & S | | | mwisemanFREElive.EICC |
Mary | Wolfe | Acad Advisor-PT | | | mewolfeFREEEICC |
Elizabeth | Wood | PT Instructor | | | bwoodFREEEICC |
Jacqueline | Wright | Lab Assistant I | | | jwright22509FREElive.EICC |
Hui-Ling | Wu | Instructor Arts & Science | | | hwuFREEEICC |
Cassandra | Wulf | PT Instructor | | | cwulf90FREElive.EICC |
Stacy | York | CDL Truck Driving Trainer | SCC | | smyorkFREEEICC |
Darin | Youngs | PT Instructor A & S | | | dyoungs135338FREElive.EICC |
Joel | Youngs | Associate Director of Small Business Center | | (563) 336-3403 | jeyoungsFREEEICC |
Kathleen | Youngs | Finance Associate | SCC | (563) 441-4002 | kmyoungsFREEEICC |
Patricia | Youngs | PT Instructor A & S | | | pyoungsFREElive.EICC |
Mark | Zabawa | PT Instructor A & S | | | mzabawaFREElive.EICC |
Vanessa | Zaehringer | Instructor | CCC | (563) 244-7078 | vzaehringerFREEEICC |
Jean | Zaputil | Instructional PT Cooking | | | jzaputilFREElive.EICC |
Lynne | Zeman | PT Instructor A & S | | | lzemanFREElive.EICC |