FERPA is a federal law that protects students. The law was passed by Congress in 1974 and grants students the following rights:
- the right to inspect and review education records
- the right to seek the amendment of education records
- the right to consent to the disclosure of education records
- the right to obtain a copy of the school's FERPA policy
- the right to file a complaint with the FERPA Office in Washington D.C.
Education records are official and confidential documents protected by FERPA. Education records, as defined by FERPA, include all records that are related to a student and maintained by Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC).
Generally, EICC must have written permission from students before releasing information from their record. One exception is categorized as "directory information." At EICC the following information is categorized as directory information:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- Dates of Attendance
- Class Rank
- Concentration Area
- Email Address
- Currently Enrolled
- Awards/Honors
- Activities/Sports
- Height/Weight (athletes)
- Full/Part-time status
Students have the option to request that no information (including directory information) be released. Students must submit this request to the Registrar's Office within the first 30 calendar days of a beginning of a term or 10 calendar days for the summer term. If a student elects to have directory information remain confidential no information can be released.
Under certain circumstances, confidential (non-directory) education records can be released without a student's prior consent. For example, information could be released to comply with a lawfully issued subpoena or to school officials who have a legitimate educational interest.
At the post-secondary level, a student's parents, or legal guardian have no inherent rights to inspect their education records; this right is limited specifically to the student. This includes the release of a transcript or an instructor speaking to parents or a legal guardian about class work or attendance.
For more information or to sign the form limiting the release of information contact the college Registrar.

Mardell Mommsen Flippen, Registrar

Robin Mitchell, Registrar