
Course Withdrawal Policy

Dropping a Class

You are encouraged to see your instructor prior to dropping a class. The withdrawal process must be completed and submitted to the Registrar's office, or completed on Self-Service.

Withdrawing From College

When withdrawing from college you are encouraged to see your instructor and advisor first. The withdrawal form must be submitted to the Registrar's office or completed on Self-Service before a student is considered officially withdrawn from the college. NOTE: Financial Aid recipients must contact the Financial Aid office when making a total withdrawal. Check the Tuition and Fees Refund Policy for a possible refund.

Medical Withdrawal

EICC is committed to supporting students in achieving success in their academic endeavors. When student health issues interferes with a student’s ability to successfully meet the requirements of their course of study, it is EICC’s policy to assist the student in withdrawing for the purpose of focusing on medical needs. A student may consider or be encouraged to take a voluntary medical leave in the event of a medical or mental health condition that interferes with their ability to be successful in their program of study.

A student who desires a voluntary medical leave will complete a Medical Withdrawal Form and submit it to the Dean of Student Development along with a letter from the medical provider recommending the withdraw. All applications for medical withdrawal will require thorough and credible documentation from the medical provider. The letter from the health provider should include the following information: date of the onset of the illness; dates the student has been under professional care; how the illness prevents the student from completing their coursework; the anticipated date the student will return to classes; and the last date the student was able to attend classes.

Students Called to Active Military Duty

EICC appreciates the contributions of our students who have served or are currently serving in the military. Students who are called to active military duty should immediately contact the Veteran’s Affairs Office on their campus, or designate a family member to do so.

Students who are a member, or the spouse of a member if the member has a dependent child, of the National Guard or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to national guard duty or federal active duty may exercise one of the following options:

  1. Withdraw from the student’s entire registration and receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees.
  2. Make arrangements with the student’s instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the student’s registration shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for the courses in full.
  3. Make arrangements with only some of the student’s instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded.

Students who must report for drill during the semester that will interfere with classes must:

  1. Contact the instructor as soon as the student is aware of the duty dates.
  2. Produce written proof (orders, letter from CDMR or ISG., etc.) to the instructors and academic advisors.
  3. Create a course of action prior to speaking with instructors.

Schedule a meeting time with instructors to present written documentation and action plan.