Many parents are overcome with pride when their child graduates. For Anthony Holland, the Scott Community College (SCC) Commencement ceremony on May 10 held even more significance. His daughter, Keionna Holland, graduated with a Criminal Justice Transfer Major. And he graduated with an associate’s degree in Culinary Arts. Both have big plans for the future.  

“It is an awesome feeling to know we accomplished something together,” said Anthony Holland. 

“I am so excited,” said Keionna Holland, “and so glad dad and I got to graduate together.”  

She plans to transfer to the University of Iowa, earn a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, and eventually earn the rank of detective. She enrolled at EICC after graduating from high school in 2021.  

“It was closer to home, so I thought it’d be a safer route to go rather than going to a university right away,” she said. “I had a lot of amazing instructors, like (Criminal Justice Program Director and Instructor) Jason Elswick, who put me on the path to my career. The hands-on experience I got in class was fun. I learned a lot - even how to use handcuffs and do other things in real-world situations,” she said.  

Anthony Holland plans to open a restaurant, Anthonys.yummo, in Davenport. He already has a booth at the Freight House Farmer’s Market and catering business, both with an established following. His EICC education is already proving valuable.  

“When you are running a food business, there are a lot of things you need to know from basic cutting skill to itemizing and making money from every dollar you bring in. Paying attention and learning everything I did in the classroom will really pay off in the long run,” he said.  

Anthony Holland’s culinary education followed 12 years of military service and an associate’s degree in business management. Growing up, he watched his grandmother – who raised 14 children – preparing large family meals, and she taught him how to cook, too. And he never stopped.  

A couple years ago, he called Diane Stanley, culinary program facilitator, to inquire about the program and mentioned he’d like to open a restaurant someday. “She got me motivated, and Chef Robert Lewis taught me all the ins and outs of running a business,” he said. "I am thankful for all of the other great instructors who helped me, too." 

He encourages everyone with a dream to follow it to its end. “If I can go back to school for a second time at my age, then anyone can do it,” Anthony Holland said.  

“I am very proud, but I am more proud of my daughter. To see her graduating and moving on, making her moves, it's an awesome feeling,” he added. 

Keionna Holland relates to that sentiment, she tells her dad. “And I am proud of you, too.”