Clinton Community College (CCC) hosted the spring induction ceremony of Phi Theta Kappa, the largest educational honor society in the world, on March 6. CC is home to the Alpha Theta Beta Chapter of PTK.  To be invited to join the honor society, students must complete at least 12 credits with a 3.5 GPA.

Alpha Theta Beta chapter President Mason Soenksen and Secretary Danielle Taylor served as the Masters of Ceremony.  CCC President Brian Kelly recognized the academic accomplishments of the students who have earned the opportunity to join Phi Theta Kappa.   Interim Dean of Students Tishly Herrington and Jennifer Austin assisted in the ceremony.  EICC Interim Chancellor Dr. Liang Chee Wee served as guest speaker.  His message of humanity while serving others is very powerful, sharing a story of his childhood in China.  The Alpha Theta Beta Chapter Advisors Gina Bielski, Heather Evans, and Derek Campbell commented, “These new members of Alpha Theta Beta have worked hard in the classroom to earn their invitation to join the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.  Welcome!” 

The Alpha Theta Beta chapter has been awarded 5-Star Chapter status and named a REACH chapter for their growth in membership. The chapter has completed several projects including collecting alumni memories, creating a little lending library, sending more than 1,000 holiday cards to our military troops, handing out stress relief bags to students and faculty during finals, and upkeep with the pollinator garden.   The 2025 focus is on storytelling, with PTK members encouraged to listen to others’ stories and to share their own.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is the largest honor society in American higher education with more than 1,200 chapters on two-year and community college campuses in all 50 of the United States, Canada, Germany, and Japan.  Scholarships totaling more than $36 million are offered annually to Phi Theta Kappa students.  Nearly 3 million students have been inducted since its founding in 1918, with approximately 131,000 students inducted annually. 

Clinton Community College students Fall 2024 Inductees into Phi Theta Kappa include:

Camanche, IA

      Karley Erps

Clinton, IA

      Keiara Doctor

      Blake Haskell

      Madelynn Jachino

      Lavoyd Jones

      Sarah Lilly

      Kadence Remrey

Preston, IA

      Hope Miller

Sabula, IA

      Cole Venema

Wheatland, IA

      Ava Cavey

Thomson, IL

      Hannah Gabbard

The Spring 2025 Inductees include:

Bellevue, IA

      Miley Peters

Camanche, IA

      Josh Liles

Clinton, IA

      Whitney Cassaday

      Ivalyn Krogman

      Terrence Marlatt

      Anthony Nicoletto

      Bruce Powell

      Rawleigh Sellers

      Otis Welch

Davenport, IA

      Wendy Kendall

De Witt, IA

      Courtney Kramer

Delmar, IA

      Saivannah Clay

      Laura Sutton

Dubuque, IA

      Jessica Schreyer

Goose Lake, IA

      Emily Kleinschmidt

Maquoketa, IA

      Maelyn Kluever

      Meghan Morales

      Ainsley Munson

      Hailey Veach

Preston, IA

      Hunter Hennings

Sabula, IA

      Isaac Tharp

Morrison, IL

      Bailey Dykstra