Celebrate on social media!
- Giphy stickers: Add these animated graduation stickers to your stories.
- Tag us: Use #EICCGrad, #EICCProud, or #THECommunitysCollege to tag us in your graduation posts.
Clinton Info Muscatine Info Scott Info
Clinton Community College Graduation
Monday, May 13, 2024
6 p.m.
Clinton High School Yourd Gymnasium
Watch livestream of the Nursing Pinning Ceremony, May 13 at 1 p.m.
Watch Live stream of the Commencement Ceremony on Facebook
CCC Commencement: Honoring more than 260 graduates. Read more.
- Please check for spelling accuracy and degree(s) applied for.
If you notice an error, please inform Mardell Mommsen Flippen in Student Services Area, Room 100 immediately! - Caps and Gowns are FREE:
Gown measurements will need your height with shoes, and t-shirt size. Caps and gowns will be a dark blue hue. Deadline to submit your measurements for participation in the Commencement Ceremony is Wednesday, March 6. Please contact the Registrar’s Office before the deadline date!
Your cap and gown may be picked up on May 6, 7, or 8 at the Information Desk, Student Services Area, Room 100. Watch your email for more details regarding pickup times. The cap, gown, and tassel are yours to keep! - Prior to Friday, April 19 – Announcements and/or Name Cards:
These may be purchased at Clinton Printing, 14th Avenue North & Roosevelt Street during their normal business hours of 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or by appointment on Saturdays, or online at clintonprinting.com. The cost for each announcement is $1.50.
- Be at the Gymnasium no later than 4:45 pm.
Please use West Hall of Fame Entrance #D26. Graduates need to report to the Wellness Gym (watch for signs!). Instructions and lineup for Commencement will begin promptly at 5:15 pm. It is imperative that you are robed and ready to go at 5:15 pm. - Photographs: A representative from Elite Photography will be photographing all participating graduates as they receive their diploma. To view and/or order photos, you may go to www.elitephoto2.com or click the QR code below. These should be available one week after the Ceremony.
- Family photos may be taken after the Ceremony in front of the stage.
- Participants will be handed a black diploma cover during the presentation. Your diploma will be sent to you once final evaluations are completed and degrees are awarded. Simply place the diploma in your black cover once you receive it. An updated copy of your transcript with degree(s) noted will also be sent to you at that time. They should be distributed within a month after your graduation date.
- Honor Graduates
Students graduating with honors (3.5 cumulative GPA or higher at the end of the 2023 Fall term), will be receiving a letter of notification. Honor graduates will pick up their Honor cords before lining up for the Ceremony. Honor graduates will be recognized during the Ceremony. - PTK
PTK stoles are NOT available for pickup at Ceremony, unless you contact the advisor in advance. - Recognition Cords
Service Member graduates will pick up their Recognition Cords before lining up for the Ceremony. You will be recognized during the Ceremony. Please let us know by March 29 if you are a Service Member so we can notate that in the program.
You must have:
- Successfully completed the courses listed on the letter you were sent from the Registrar’s Office after you applied for graduation.
- Met all financial obligations to the College:
- Tuition and Fees
- Library
- Outstanding Debt/Balance
- Communicated your correct address to the Registrar’s Office to ensure a prompt delivery of your diploma.
Please refer any questions to:

Mardell Mommsen Flippen, Registrar
On behalf of The Commencement Group, congratulations. We are excited to bring you a selection of items to order for your graduate. Take a look and place an online order now. Our booth will be conveniently located at the building entrance to pick up your online order before the ceremony begins.
A portion of the proceeds support your local PTK Honor Society.
Questions? Email info@thecommencementgroup.com.
Muscatine Community College Graduation
Saturday, May 11, 2024
10 a.m.
Calvary Church
Watch Live stream of Commencement Ceremony on Facebook
MCC Commencement: Honoring more than 240 graduates. Read more.
Cap and Gown Pick-Up (Regalia)
- Where can I pick-up my regalia?
Student Services Welcome Desk in the Student Center - When can I pick-up my regalia?
Your regalia will be ready for pick-up on the following dates and times:
- Monday, May 6, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 7, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Wednesday, May 8, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- What will be needed to pick up my regalia?
A Photo ID and a signature will be required. - What if I cannot pick up my regalia during the dates and times requested?
Please contact Laura Martinez, llmartinez@eicc.edu and 563-288-6117, to indicate who will be picking up on your behalf. A photo ID and signature will be required.
- Date and Time of Ceremony:
Saturday, May 11, 2024, at 10 a.m. - Location of Commencement:
Calvary Church
501 W Bypass 61, Muscatine IA - Arrival of Graduates:
You will need to arrive by 9 a.m. to check-in and line-up. Please come to the main entrance and proceed to the back of the Commons area. - Honor Cords/Veteran Cords:
If you received honors, your honor cord will be available when you pick up your cap and gown. - Reader Cards
You will receive a “Reader Card” during check in the day of the ceremony, this will list your name, program, honors and line-up order. You will take this with you and hand to the reader who will read your name when you walk across the stage. - Arrival of Guests:
Guests can begin arriving at 9 a.m. - Will tickets be required for my guests?
Tickets are not required for guests. - Professional Photography:
There will be a professional photographer who will take your picture as you receive your diploma and prior to line-up. You can view and/or order photos on the company’s website approximately one week after the ceremony. elitephoto2.com
- Will I receive my diploma the day of the ceremony?
No, your diploma will be mailed within 3 - 4 weeks after you have completed your program to the address that is on your academic record, per you have met all financial obligations to the college. - I received a blank diploma cover, why?
Diploma covers are provided to students who attend the commencement ceremony, your diploma will be mailed per completion of your program and have met all financial obligations. Please hold onto the diploma cover to display your diploma once you receive it. - Will there be an opportunity to take pictures at Calvary after the Ceremony?
Graduates and their guests will have an opportunity for pictures in the Commons immediately after the ceremony. - Because I walked across the stage and received my diploma cover, I am done with school,
Maybe, if you met all the requirements to your program and the appropriate GPA, you will be complete with your program. However, if you still have classes remaining and/or have not met the GPA requirement, you will not be complete with your program. - How do I clean my Regalia before the ceremony?
Regalia will not need to be cleaned. Please do not wash/dry the regalia as it can ruin your gown. If there are any wrinkles in the gown you would like to have removed, please hang it up in a steamy bathroom and that should remove any wrinkles. Do not iron your regalia, do not use an industrial strength steamer on your regalia. - Do I need to return my regalia after the ceremony?
No, the regalia is yours to keep and a great keepsake of the day! - I know I should be receiving Honors, when do I get the honor cords?
Gold Honor cords will be handed out at cap and gown pick-up. They will be based on the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) after the Fall 2023 Semester. You will be recognized in the program and during the ceremony based on your honors. - I am a Veteran, will I get recognized?
If you a veteran, you will receive a Red, White and Blue recognition cord at cap and gown pick-up. You will be recognized in the program and during the ceremony. - Will the ceremony be broadcasted LIVE?
Yes, there will be a LIVE broadcast of the Commencement ceremony. Please go to eicc.edu/grad24 for the LIVE broadcast link.
You must:
- Successfully complete the courses/requirements listed on the letter you were sent from the Registrar’s Office after you applied for graduation.
- Communicate your correct address to the Registrar’s Office to ensure a prompt delivery of your diploma.
- Met all financial obligations to the College:
- Tuition and Fees
- Outstanding Debt/Balance
Congratulations on all you have achieved! We look forward to celebrating you and your accomplishments!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to:

Robin Mitchell, Registrar
Celebrate your graduate's achievements with the perfect gift! Congratulations are in order, and EICC is partnering with The Commencement Group to help you surprise your grad with flowers, a class t-shirt, or teddy bear on commencement day. The best part? Your grad will feel special and you will feel good knowing proceeds from the sale of gifts will support MCC’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for 2-year colleges. Funds will be used to support service projects for the college and community, as well as to help send members to state and national conferences.
You can easily pre-order your gifts online, and then pick them up at a booth near the entrance before the ceremony begins. While you will be able to buy items at the event, ordering ahead of time guarantees your selection of color and/or size.
Questions? Email info@thecommencementgroup.com.
Scott Community College Graduation
Friday, May 10, 2024
6 p.m.
Vibrant Arena at the MARK
Watch Live stream of Commencement Ceremony on YouTube
SCC Commencement: Honoring more than 700 graduates. Read more.

Cap and Gown Pick-Up (Regalia) – please note, you do not need to purchase your cap and gown, it will be provided to you.
- Where can I pick-up my regalia?
In rooms 2208 A & B right inside the door marked, “Welcome Center” at the Belmont Campus (500 Belmont Road, Bettendorf, IA. 52722), between doors 4 & 5. - When can I pick-up my regalia?
Your regalia will be ready for pick-up on the following dates and times:
- Friday, May 3, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Monday, May 6, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 7, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- What will be needed to pick-up my regalia?
- A Photo ID
- Signature after pick-up will be required indicating you picked up your regalia and will take it to the ceremony.
- What if I cannot pick-up my regalia during the dates and times requested?
Please contact the Registrar, Jessica Darland, jdarland@eicc.edu to indicate who will be picking up on your behalf as we need this information in writing. They will be required to sign off upon picking up your regalia and they will also need to provide a Photo ID. If we do not have an email from you, we cannot release the cap and gown to anyone other than you.
- Location of Commencement:
Vibrant Arena at the MARK
1201 River Dr. Moline, IL. 61265 - Date of Ceremony:
Friday, May 10, 2024
Time of Ceremony:
6 p.m. - Arrival of Graduates:
Graduates need to arrive by 5 PM for proper line-up and help with your regalia. Please enter the area where it states “Employee” entrance. - Honor Cords/Veteran Cords:
If you received honors, you will pick up your honor cords the day of the ceremony. There will be a table next to check in to pick up your honor cords and/or veteran cords. - Reader Cards
You will receive a “Reader Card” during the check in process the day of the ceremony. This will list your name, program and honors. You will take this with you and hand it to the reader who will read your name when you walk across the stage. - Arrival of Guests:
Guests can begin arriving at 5 p.m.
Guests should enter the arena at the main entrance.
Note, seating in section 115 is designated for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing. An ASL (American Sign Language) interpreter will be made available for Deaf/Hard of Hearing guests. - Parking At Vibrant Arena:
Parking will be available for you and your guests on a first-come first-serve basis. Parking in the lot adjacent to Vibrant Arena will be available until the lot is full. - Security:
Each person entering Vibrant Arena will be required to enter through a metal detector. Bags/purses are not allowed to be more than 5”x7”x1”, with the exception of diaper bags and medical necessities. If a bag is too big, it will not be permitted to be brought into the arena. Air horns/noise makers of any kind are not allowed. Any weapons, pocket knives, pepper spray and helium balloons are not allowed. - Exit of Arena:
All graduates will exit the same way they enter into the building (through the doors titled “Employee Entrance”). Guests will exit the main entrance at Vibrant Arena (the same way they entered). There will be signs posted and volunteers helping you to exit the arena. - Will tickets be required for my guests?
Tickets will not be required for guests at this time. - Professional Photography:
There will be professional photographers who will take your picture as you walk across the stage with your diploma cover. The pictures will be available for purchase approximately one week after the ceremony and you will be able to view those photos through this link: elitephoto2.com.
- Will I receive my diploma the day of the ceremony?
No, your diploma will be mailed within 6-8 weeks after you have completed your program to the address you entered on your graduation application, per you have met all financial obligations to the college. - I received a blank diploma cover, why?
Diploma covers are provided to students who attend the commencement ceremony. Your diploma will be mailed per you have completed your program and have met all financial obligations. Please hold onto the diploma cover to display your diploma once you receive it. - Can I stay at Vibrant Arena and take pictures on the stage with my guests?
Due to the time constraints and the number of graduates and guests of the graduates attending the ceremony, we will not be allowing graduates and guests to remain at the Vibrant Arena after the ceremony. - Because I walked across the stage and received my diploma cover, I am done with school,
Maybe, if you met all the requirements to your program and the appropriate GPA, you will be finished with your program. However, if you still have classes remaining and/or have not met the GPA requirement, you will not be finished with your program. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please reach out to your advisor or the Registrar. - How do I clean my cap and gown before the ceremony?
Caps and Gowns will not need to be cleaned. Please do not wash/dry the regalia as it can ruin your gown. If there are any wrinkles in the gown you would like to remove, please hang it up in a steamy bathroom to remove any wrinkles. Do not iron your regalia. Do not use an industrial strength steamer on your regalia. - Do I need to return my regalia after the ceremony?
No, the regalia is yours to keep and a great keepsake of the day! - I know I should be receiving Honors, when do I get the honor cords?
Honor cords will be handed out the day the ceremony. They will be based on the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) after the Fall 2023 Semester. You will be recognized in the program based on your honors. - What color are the honor cords?
White honor cords for those who received “Honors” = 3.5 – 3.99 CGPA
Gold honor cords for those who received “High Honors” = 4.00 CGPA - I was a part of Phi Theta Kapa, will I get anything for my membership?
Please contact the PTK advisor (Debra Lowman) dlowman@eicc.edu as soon as possible, if you are a member, so the PTK team can make sure you are recognized appropriately.
Please check on PTK.org and see if you are listed under the Scott Community College chapter. If not, please reach out to Debra Lowman and she can assist with your transfer. Please note – if you are not listed in our chapter, your name will not appear with PTK in the program. - I am a Veteran, will I get recognized?
If you indicated on your graduation application that you are a veteran, you will be marked in the program as a veteran. Please be sure to stop by the table to pick up your veteran cords, the day of the ceremony. - How many guests can I bring?
Currently, there is no limit to the number of guests you can have attend the ceremony.
Congratulations again! Thank you for attending the Scott Community College commencement ceremony on May 10th. We look forward to celebrating you and your accomplishments!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to:

Jessica Darland, Registrar
Celebrate your graduate's achievements with the perfect gift! Congratulations are in order, and EICC is partnering with The Commencement Group to help you surprise your grad with flowers, a class t-shirt, or teddy bear on commencement day. The best part? Your grad will feel special and you will feel good knowing proceeds from the sale of gifts will support SCC’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for 2-year colleges. Funds will be used to support service projects for the college and community, as well as to help send members to state and national conferences.
You can easily pre-order your gifts online, and then pick them up at a booth near the entrance before the ceremony begins. While you will be able to buy items at the event, ordering ahead of time guarantees your selection of color and/or size.
Questions? Email info@thecommencementgroup.com.