We've worked with over 1,670 business owners since 2018.
We can answer your business questions, discuss goals and next steps, help you find grants and craft applications. We can also get you connected with lenders, additional resources, and experts.
We've provided over 4,300 hours of counseling since 2018.
Business owners turn to us because we provide information, guidance, resources, and connections - at no cost. All you need to do is call.
Our Impact Since 2018
New businesses
$37.8 million
In financing
$188.6 million
In increased sales
New jobs
And we supported 2,819 existing jobs.
"Whether you have a full-time or a side business, or you’re just dreaming of starting one, come talk to us first. We’ll help you get there faster, go further, and do better.”Joel Youngs, Regional Director, Small Business Development Center at EICC
If you have a small business, or thinking about starting one, here's a sampling of the free services we provide:
Venture School
Venture School is a program of the University of Iowa’s John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center that helps high-potential startups turn ideas into reality. For the past 16 years, the SBDC at EICC has partnered with the university to provide the program to entrepreneurs in the region.
The cohort meets weekly for seven weeks to work with instructors and mentors. The curriculum leans into client discovery, allowing them to become more entrepreneurial, consider new customer archetypes, and learn new tactics for marketing, distribution, or minimum viable product concepts. They are challenged to use those findings to pivot, preserve, or enhance their original business plans.
The program culminates with each member of the cohort pitching their business plan and product to a venture capitalist and a lender. The pitch competition winner goes on to compete in the statewide competition, EntreFEST.
“Venture School graduates have excelled in raising capital, creating jobs, launching products and services, turning profit, and creating additional joint ventures,” said SBDC at EICC Regional Director Joel Youngs. “We are proud of the work we do to ensure entrepreneurs in our region have all the tools, resources, and opportunities to excel. Every successful start-up strengthens our communities.”
Sign up for the next Venture School cohort
Minority Business Advisor
The SBDC at EICC, with financial support of the Quad Cities Chamber, hired a Minority Business Advisor to focus on outreach and provide one-on-one assistance to existing and prospective businesses that contribute to the strength of our regional economy. In the first eight months of FY 2022, the advisor assisted 274 clients with a variety of resources.
Our clients included:
- 154 women
- 71 African Americans, Blacks
- 30 Hispanics
- 10 Asian Americans
- 5 Native Peoples
- 4 Pacific Islanders
Contact Us
Want to talk business? We can meet you at any EICC campus or facility, or we can come to you. The SBDC at EICC provides services throughout Scott, Clinton, Jackson, and Muscatine counties.

Joel Youngs, Regional Director, Small Business Development Center
Clinton Community College
1000 Lincoln Blvd.
Clinton, IA 52732
Map and Directions
Muscatine Community College
152 Colorado St.
Muscatine, IA 52761
Map and Directions
Scott Community College
500 Belmont Rd.
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Map and Directions