Criminal Justice

Associate in Arts (AA) Degree


The intersection of behavior and law can be a puzzle, and it’s one you want to solve. Start here. Launch your criminal justice studies while completing the general education classes your transfer college will require. Small classes, affordable tuition, and guaranteed transfer agreements in place.

What You Learn as a Criminal Justice Transfer Major

Study the role of the criminal justice system and potential reforms. Discuss crime and the career criminal. Learn about the world, cultures, natural sciences, and literature.

What Can I Do With a Career in Criminal Justice?

Make a positive impact on people and communities. Join local, state, or federal law enforcement. Specialize in forensics. Work in corrections. Serve as a probation or parole officer. Lead a justice advocacy organization. This degree can also lead you into law school or a career in politics.

A Solid Foundation

Criminal Justice

So many levels

Criminal Justice

Learn about police, courts, and corrections. Study possible reforms.


Let's look


Examine crime through sociological and cultural approaches. Study personality development.


Stand tall


Question the principals that determine right and wrong.


More than numbers


Obtain, present, and organize statistical data.

What are Transfer Majors

The Criminal Justice Transfer Major is part of EICC's statewide Transfer Major associate's degree program. It was developed through a partnership between Iowa's community colleges, public universities, and many private colleges. It outlines the precise courses you need to complete if you want to transfer to a four-year college and study this specific major. The partner colleges and universities have approved the EICC courses, so all the credits you earn with us fully transfer toward your bachelor's degree.  It's streamlined and simple. 

This degree transfers to

Ames, Iowa 

  • 2.0 GPA required for transfer
  • +2 years estimated completion at ISU

See Iowa State Transfer Information

Contact an EICC Advisor about transferring

Davenport, Iowa

  • $1,000 scholarship offered to EICC students who apply for SAU/Dual Admission
  • 2.0 GPA required for transfer

See St. Ambrose University Transfer Information

Contact an EICC Advisor about transferring

Cedar Falls, Iowa

  • 2.0 GPA required for transfer
  • +2 years estimated completion at UNI

See University of Northern Iowa Transfer Information

Contact an EICC Advisor about transferring

Fayette, Iowa

  • 2.0 GPA required for transfer
  • +2 years estimated completion at Upper Iowa

See Upper Iowa Transfer Information

Contact an EICC Advisor about transferring

Keep Your Transfer Plan Current

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Maybe your intended next college has added a new major or maybe you’ve discovered a new interest. Check with your EICC advisor regularly and keep your own checklist going so you’re on the right path making the right progress.


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2+2 = Savings

Here’s a secret: biology is biology no matter where you take the course. But the cost isn’t the same. Do your first two years at EICC and wipe out those required general education courses, then transfer to finish your Bachelor’s degree. The 24 months and 60+ credits you earn with us will cost less than one semester at most public or private universities. Save your money. High-quality and low-cost. That’s our niche.

PTK members at table duing Boothfest event

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the International Honor Society for two-year colleges. Complete 12 credit hours with 3.5 GPA, and your local chapter will send you an invite to join. Each of our colleges has a chapter which means you’ll be supported by your peers. PTK offers transfer scholarships, intellectual enrichment, and personal development.

Criminal Justice student practicing fingerprinting

Start in High School

Get a jump on your college education while you're in high school. Choose a Career Academy and complete a semester to a full year of courses. It's free for most students and cuts down on the time you spend completing your EICC degree, often in half. Save time and money, and launch your career sooner.


Your Degree = Success

Planning to earn a bachelor’s? Start here, then transfer your credits or associate’s degree. Studies show community college students who transfer into a four-year do better than the students who started there as freshmen.

Get a remarkable education and remarkable head start at EICC.

Explore the value of an associate’s degree

Employment and Wage Outlook

Contact Admissions

Contact the admissions representative from the college you plan to attend. If you’re not sure, you may contact any rep. Each can answer questions about any college or program.

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Request Info

Criminal Justice Transfer Major: Locations

Clinton Community College

1000 Lincoln Blvd.
Clinton, IA 52732
Map and Directions

Muscatine Community College

152 Colorado St.
Muscatine, IA 52761
Map and Directions

Scott Community College

500 Belmont Rd.
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Map and Directions