Spring & Summer registration are open!
As a guest student, you don't have to attend orientation. We do encourage you to check out the Student Resource Center information.
Questions about being an EICC guest student? Contact us at:

Clinton Community College

Muscatine Community College

Scott Community College
International Guest Students:
International guest students need to submit the following to EICC:
- Copy of your Visa
- Copy of your I-20
Guest Student FAQs
You are a “guest student” when you enroll at EICC on a part time basis while you are enrolled in another college or university.
You won't be eligible to receive state or federal financial aid through EICC. Consult with your home college or university regarding any potential impacts on your financial aid package.
As a guest, you're not required to attend New Student Orientation; however, you are welcome to attend an on-campus or an online orientation. You can also access the EICC Student Resource Center for information and resources.
EICC is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. We have articulation agreements in place to ensure EICC credits will transfer to numerous colleges and universities. As a student of another college, meet with your home college/university advisor and seek prior approval of your EICC course to make sure it meets your degree requirements. Our college catalog may be helpful. And, request your official transcript from EICC be sent to your home college.
As a guest, you can take up to 9 credits during Fall, Spring, and Summer. You can take one course during Winterim. In total, you can earn up to 24 credit hours with us. If you decide to continue with EICC, an advisor will guide you through the next steps, including changing your student status, requesting official transcripts, assessments, and orientation.
Yes, complete our online application. As a guest student, you'll be non-degree seeking.
- Been an active student with us in the last 365 days? You do NOT need to complete the application.
- Have not been an active student with us in the last 365? You need to complete the application.
If you were an EICC guest student within the last year, no need to reapply. If you were previously enrolled as a regular student or high school concurrent student, you should reapply and indicate your intent to be a guest student. If you have not enrolled in the last year, please reapply.
Complete the Guest Student Course Request Form. Submit unofficial transcripts or placement test scores to meet any prerequisite requirements. EICC staff will confirm your registration via email.
If the course you want to take requires a prerequisite, submit your unofficial college
transcripts or placement test scores. Find information on specific course requirements
in the course listing or the college catalog.
Once your registration is processed, you will receive instructions on logging into your EICC student account. With your login, you can pay your tuition with our 24/7 web cashier or view your bill. Find out how to set up a payment plan. If you want to pay in full by credit or debit card, contact our business office.
Business Office, Financial Services
Clinton Community College - Room 174Business Office
Muscatine Community College - Student Services BuildingBusiness Office
Scott Community College
International students can enroll as a guest student. Their VISA (F-1) I-20 will remain with their home college or university. International students seeking EICC to issue their I-20 will need to be enrolled as a full status EICC student and follow the International Student requirements.
Guest international students will need to submit the following documentation to EICC as part of the enrollment process:
- Copy of your Visa
- Copy of your I-20
Your social security number is used to generate your 1098-T tax form so that you can claim educational credits when filing your tax return. Without your SSN, we cannot generate this form.