Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Strategic Priority: Student Success
We will meet our students where they are and provide the academic support and resources
they need to achieve their educational goals.
Overall goal: Increase the number of students earning postsecondary credentials.
- Identify barriers to success.
- Implement a comprehensive wraparound services plan to reduce those barriers.
- Engage the community in improving student success.
- Implement a first-year experience program.
- Create additional engaging on-campus experiences (ex. fine and performing arts, intramural/ club sports, intercampus transportation for activities).
- Create co-curricular student development and academic activities.
- Develop a proactive communication plan for enrolled students.
- Fully employ Dropout Detective.
- Implement a guided pathways structure (e.g. career exploration within a pathway during first semester).
Strategic Priority: Enrollment
We will provide equitable access to life-changing educational opportunities for all
Overall goal: Increase enrollment in education and training programs that anticipate and respond to community needs.
- Enhance academic support and student services for online students.
- Expand niche programs outside of our region (military, other states, etc.) and possibly nationally with selected programs.
- Conduct comprehensive assessment of delivery of online programming.
- Enhance academic support and student services for CTE and career academy students.
- Build and begin operations at CTE facilities approved in the March 2020 bond referendum.
- Expand career academies, with both existing and new programs.
- Integrate credit and CE programming to address workforce needs.
- Enhance and integrate guided pathways from CE to CTE programming.
- Develop recruiting messages and materials focused on value/return on investment.
- Fully integrate guided pathways, beginning in high school.
- Develop more work-based learning opportunities, with career exploration on the front end.
- Create stronger connection between EICC FT faculty and high school concurrent instructors and students.
- Develop and implement a plan to convert more students from Adult Education programs to short-term credential and credit programs.
- Identify factors preventing individuals from enrolling and develop measures to remove or help students overcome them.
- Develop a stronger Credit for Prior Learning process to attract more non-traditional students.
- Review course scheduling and delivery to ensure students can get the courses they want and need.
- Improve course placement processes and revise as necessary to ensure proper placement.
Strategic Priority: Equity
We will foster an inclusive culture that respects diversity and in which equity is
a fundamental consideration for policy and decision making.
Overall goal: Achieve equity in student access leading to student success.
- Provide employee training and professional development around equity and inclusion.
- Develop and implement a process to review policies, procedures and decision making from an equity perspective.
- Implement recruiting, hiring and promotion practices that ensure opportunities for diverse staff.
- Disaggregate and analyze data to identify gaps and develop actions to address them.
- Implement enrollment plans with benchmarks for specific underrepresented groups.
- Involve all employees, and students as appropriate, in intentional, targeted community outreach and engagement.
Strategic Priority: Innovation
We will foster a culture of innovation and high performance in college operations
in an environment that supports risk taking.
Overall goal: Maximize effectiveness through future-focused initiatives and efficient use of resources.
- Seek out educational, business and industry, civic and governmental partnerships to enhance our ability to serve students and the community.
- Review key processes for opportunities to automate or streamline via technology.
- Expand online resources and student-facing processes.
- Secure grants that support mission-driven initiatives.
- Identify and develop new target markets, including CTE, adults with some college, non-profit organizations, etc.
- Implement a comprehensive, strategic approach to new program development, including more fully engaging Continuing Education as a research and development function.
- Engage more EICC employees and community partners in discussions about data and trends to identify program growth areas.
Adopted by EICC Board of Trustees November 15, 2021