HLC Assurance Review
Your Input is Vital: Join the Review Process for the Draft HLC Assurance Argument
The review period for the Draft Assurance Argument has closed.
We will be sharing the completed assurance argument later this summer.
Welcome and Introduction
Thank you for your willingness to participate in the critical review process of the draft Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Assurance Argument. Your expertise and thoughtful feedback are key to ensuring that our submission not only meets but exceeds the HLC criteria. This document is a testament to our collective commitment to excellence in higher education, and your role in this process is invaluable.
Understanding the Document
The Assurance Argument is a comprehensive document that demonstrates Eastern Iowa Community Colleges' (EICC's) adherence to the HLC's rigorous standards. It is a reflection of our institutional integrity, commitment to continuous improvement, and dedication to providing high-quality education.
Draft Review Focus: At this stage, our primary goal is to refine the Assurance Argument's substance, flow, and accuracy. While the document will undergo thorough proofreading for grammar and typos by designated editors, we rely on your critical eye to evaluate its core components.
How to Participate
Engage with the Material: Access the draft criterion documents through the provided below. Each criterion will be shared separately, allowing focused and detailed feedback.
Reflect on Key Areas: Your feedback should concentrate on the following aspects:
- Clarity and Structure: Is the argument presented in a logical and coherent manner?
- Relevance and Persuasiveness: Does the document effectively demonstrate EICC’s fulfillment of the HLC criteria?
- Accuracy and Representation: Are the facts and figures presented accurately, reflecting our institution's performance and initiatives?
Provide Thoughtful Feedback: While it's not necessary to address every question listed, use them as a guide to offer constructive feedback. Your insights will be crucial in enhancing the document's overall quality.
Please note: Text highlighted in bold within the document signifies elements that will be hyperlinked to serve as supporting evidence. A draft list of evidence per criterion will be posted.
Submission of Feedback
After reviewing the document, please submit your feedback using the designated survey form. Your contributions are essential to the refinement process, and we encourage open and constructive dialogue.
The Schedule for the Criterion Draft Feedback is as follows:
- Criterion 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are closed for feedback.
To aid in your review, we will provide links to example Assurance Arguments from other community colleges and universities. These examples can offer perspective on standard practices and inspire our collective effort to craft a compelling and accurate narrative about EICC.
- Iowa Lakes Community College
- North Iowa Area Community College
- John Wood Community College, IL
- Milwaukee Area Technical College
- University of Iowa
- University of Northern Illinois
Thank you for Your Contribution
Your participation in this review process is a significant contribution to EICC's journey towards reaffirmation of accreditation. Together, we can ensure that our Assurance Argument not only meets the HLC's standards but showcases the exceptional quality of education and community we've built at EICC.
For any questions or further information, please contact:

Brian Kelly, EdD, MBA
Vice Chancellor of Strategy, Support and Planning
President, Clinton Community College

Erin Snyder, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer

Megan Hills, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Assessment